
Responses from itsjustme

new GAN amplifier
We seem to be freely mixing new solid state technology (GaN), output impedance,and power supply current delivery .A bit more structured logic would help. 
How much do you need to spend to get digital to rival analog?
Well.... great analog with great records does have a natural warmth. but if I’m honest, 90% of records sound like crap. Compressed, surface noise, lots of distortion, blah, blah.Lots of digital sounds like crap too, but i find that on average i’m ... 
Going Battery Powered
first,to the OP, Great! insightful question. And, in both theory and reality,, practice is the hard part.  Back in the 80s, a friend and ex business partner suggested and ran, so "battery parties" where 8+ folks would get together and dona... 
Impedance Matching in the Modern Audio System
The solid state streamer should have a sufficient low output impedance as to not really care. plus tube have high input impedance, which means they are easy to drive. Its the output side of tubes that can get tricky.worry notgood to ask! 
Is it even possible to set up a system in 12x12 room?
Sure, I'm getting excellent sound in my temporary apartment in a room roughly that size. Obviously speaker dependent.  fear not! 
Who needs a Preamp??
George says:It adds coloration that some may like. Bingo. Every single component in the world is subtractive. The very, very best subtract (distort) very little. Some distort a lot but with euphonic distortion (ok the world champ in that regard is... 
Moving speakers from downstairs to upstairs, degrading ?
its way more than the slab vs suspended floor. Its the structure (walls, ceiling, etc.) and how live that is. You shall see. As I can since i just built anew music room on the upper floor, and empty its a freaking echo chamber. I have much treatme... 
Coincident speakers 14 Ohms - What amplification to use when streaming Tidal.
just some data points for respected hgih end speakers:Vandersteen 2 - 90dbTotem 88dbMaggie 7s 86 dbVienna mozart 90dbare there speaker at 107? Probably.  But its rare and suggests it was optimized for other than sound 
Coincident speakers 14 Ohms - What amplification to use when streaming Tidal.
97 (or even 94) dB sensitivity is VERY efficient.  Compared to a typical 89dB speaker that means you need something like 1/4 to 1/8 the power for the same volume.  An "8 ohm" amp is simply the load it is rated into.  Ohms are a measure of resistan... 
Coincident speakers 14 Ohms - What amplification to use when streaming Tidal.
"A SET tube amp is recommended by Coincident, but I do not play records any more..."Not sure if I follow the connection..Same here... how are the two connected?  Pick an amp you like and that interfaces well to your speakers.  In the end streaming... 
I'm not even quite sure how to phrase my question, but here it goes...
All we need to remember is this:"It depends on quality of initial recording."Amen.  Most recordings/masterings stink.  I'll take a Mercury Living presence in 11 bits over some crummy rock/pop ( and this is from a rock guy) screechy recording any d... 
I'm not even quite sure how to phrase my question, but here it goes...
Eric gave a good a concise description.  I'll add that the LEDs you see include both actual sampling rates (44.1 and 48k samples/sec) but also a multiple (176k) Multiples are for when the source (CD player, streamer, really fast typer) "up-samples... 
Choosing a good preamp
Back to the original question. We really do need more info on your speakers, music and likes/dislikes to make a meaningful recommendation. That said, I’ll infer that you like the sound that tubes impart - so that argues for a tube preamp as well.H... 
How important is a preamp for purely digital sources?
A preamplifier vs direct to amp to dac ,a good preamp always better especially a vacuum tube preampAny stage can only distort. You may liek the euphonic distortion of a tube preamp though, which is validt allowsbettrr dynamics soundstage depth as ... 
How important is a preamp for purely digital sources?
You need to tell us what your alternative is - **something** must do switching between sources (unless you are doing all that in the PC/whatever) and control volume. You may, or may not, requires a small amount of gain - its systems dependent (roo...