
Responses from itsjustme

What Sonically is the Difference between a $1,500 CD Player and a $10K-$25K One?
So much to say here. I’ll avoid the direct comparison because that is very brand dependent and no one has heard most stuff. but the question"what makes one better" is, to me easier to answer. A CD player, end-to-end has many components, and many o... 
Any other lone audiophiles here?
As others have said, there are two sides to this - the "quest for sound" (the experimental hobby) and the music. You are apparently not positioned well for the experimental quest - so it all comes down to "do you enjoy the music?". If so, do so an... 
Turntable Advice?
motor broke.... get a motor.... 
Stumped by preamp-amp issues
power supplies in speakers? Huh?I would actually just go back to basics and test each unit  - power supplies, look for oscillations, frequency sweeps (or the simple "square wave and squint" surrogate), etc. It still makes little sense to me, so I'... 
Stumped by preamp-amp issues
@itsjustme The power cycling entailed the green LED on the preamp rapidly alternating from green to red. The LED on the amp was simultaneously doing the same thing.Every time the power LEDs switched to red, the sound was distorted through the s... 
Stumped by preamp-amp issues
can you begin with a more precise definition of what you mean by power cycling? - and try to speak of what each components does independently:the preampthe power amp.the sound, if you are merely talking about a net resultsIf it is not a net result... 
How good is MSB Discrete Dac?
I have not heard the MSB discrete DAC. But wait, i do have a point.... :-)I have a 15 year old MSB Gold Full Nelson. I also got the pinouts for the power supply, and built my own, external, franken - supplies (totally independent analog and digita... 
The new Schiit Aegir Amplifier now shipping
I know Jason did SUMO and yes, Mike did Theta. And yes, both seem sharp.I know a lot more about what Mike has done. So i only speak about stuff i have some experience with.  That's all.'later 
The new Schiit Aegir Amplifier now shipping
My two cents.  I have not looked at the Aegir in any detail, but i recall when it was announced they spoke of a Vidar with lower power and class-A - and the usual snarky (clever!) lines "more money, less power, schiit engineering". Gotta love that... 
Site is hacked
Highly likely you have your browser/computer hacked, nothing to do with this site.  I suggest you quit practicing unsafe computing :-) 
I think step #1 is to identify what you think the weaknesses of the Rowland are, and /or what you want further improved.Honestly with out that its a crap shoot/G 
Trained ears.
When i began my journey on a another, enjoyable, frustrating, subjective hobby - wine -- i asked a great sommelier the same question. His answer: pop a lot of corks, and think abotu what you are tasting".I learned not onyl to taste wine and what w... 
Unbalaned to Balanced
To your 2nd question, no specification will tell you.And manufacturers don;t want to say " i have a single ended circuit and plopped an op-amp (or 3, to make a classic Instrument Amp Configuration) on it to convert it to balanced".  Or whatever.  ... 
Unbalaned to Balanced
Getting back to the OP's question as I read it....Unbalanced out to balanced in ( with an adapter) is quite simply unbalanced. Balanced lines have two cables, operating 180 degrees out of phase (push-pull) . The balanced input essentially measures... 
Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass?
Subwoofers will not add clarity to a system. They will add impact in the form of notes you can feel as well as sound stage volume. I’m not sure of the logic behind this statement, but it is at least subtly wrong. In a small two-way system, the woo...