
Responses from itsjustme

Class D amplifiers have very little phase shift
into almost negative numbersNot almost, negative. When a voice coil is flying backward (relative to the now-changed drive signal), it is a generator of back emf.We can argue about how long it is out of phase, but the fact remains.Just agreeing and... 
Badly recorded albums needing upgrading
Wow.Ozzy wrote:The OP is one of those audiophiles that listen to the sound of their system rather than the music.Sure, we wish all recordings were top notch and also would like there to be no stinkers in our collections. The first seems rather n... 
@ justjames72 asked:@itsjustme baffled by what? Maybe, I can help clarify my understanding even if it's not as robust as some. Baffled by why on would think that MWA, which changes the actual coding, would nto make a difference on a top-line DAC (... 
Bits Are Bits, Right?
I hate to tread into the waters, and certainly dont want to design and teach the long class necessary to get to all this, so a few simple comments will do:1. There are no bits on a CD. repeat after me "eight to fourteen modulation"2. A digital sig... 
Do I really need a separate Roon Core (computer) to use Roon Software?
Having re-read your question, you can get by at minimum with a) Roon on an old PC/Mac/Linux, b) a USB DAC and c) a remote, which can be your phone.  Actually you don't *need* a remote, you can control it locally - but you want one :-)The remote ca... 
Do I really need a separate Roon Core (computer) to use Roon Software?
And in my experience Wifi is a real problem with hifi audio and Roon in particular. Drop outs, buffer under-runs, and poor sound ensue.  Run A WIRE 
Do I really need a separate Roon Core (computer) to use Roon Software?
Not at all. You can run roon on an available device, although over time you may see some advantages to a dedicated core or even  ROCK.  For quite some time as I got to know Roon, i ran it, along with other general purpose programs, on an OLD ( i m... 
Anyone have this kind of problem with their amp?
Any thoughts/advice?  Thanks in advance.My first thought is that inserting an integrated does not prove that the preamp is not at fault, or a wire, or a connection.  Unless, you used the integrated as a pre-amp and it has pre-amp out RCAs.... 
How to guarantee to lower noise- ground loops in your system
Eliminating ground loops has more to do with product design than electrical wiring, the latter of which should simply be to code.Actually its neither.  Bottom line is ONE reference - regardless of what that is too (virtual earth, actual dirt, etc... 
Considering getting a CD player (again). Used? New? Criteria?
Assuming you have a good DAC for streaming, why not just rip your CDs to your computer, and play them off that?  I have 100s of CDs and never touch them -- but play them often. I use ROON, but you can use itunes for free (on Mac or Windows). If on... 
@testpilot Yes, taking anything apart can be a pain. Try real consumer gear, made to NOT be fixable....But I would not have expected them to obscure parts values, unless its a very unusual, secret way of using a part. But cap voltages? really? Tha... 
I'll second comments that its a bit sterile sounding, but i'll also second comments that its well made.  And while electrolytic capacitors degrade with age - my experience, having shipped -- and seen the results -- 100s of units is that if you rea... 
Need "BTDT" help with Logic DM-101 bearing
I do plan to take it apart and fix.Can we get back to "who has taken the bearing out of the sub chassis and can guide me to any pitfalls". i Don't have tome or interest in wasting time where i can avoid it.Millercarbon - what's your experience wit... 
Smoke on my power amp
in the specific case of tube amps having output transformers Fair enough!  (But we were talking SS...)  Also that is more an issue of disconnecting while playing, rather than "turn on with no load" - which are quite different. 
Stereophile, Pass Integrated and personal taste
I find eric's posts to be very interesting. -Certainly not 'Flame Trolling'.Me too. Not that i always agree, but at least he posts informed comment and asks interesting, if to some provocative, questions.  Maybe if i spent more time i'd feel diffe...