Responses from grislybutter
When are speakers considered Hi-Fi and not Mid-Fi??? I prefer my glass walled triangle room with Ocean views all the way to Hawaii, the effect on the sound will be negligible... | |
When are speakers considered Hi-Fi and not Mid-Fi??? @dekay must have been the stupidest thing I said last week! (Probably not) | |
Salk Future TBD Congratulations Mr. Salk to building such a great brand. Enjoy the next chapter! I am about the age that you were when you started building speakers and your story is very inspirational and personal to say the least! | |
When are speakers considered Hi-Fi and not Mid-Fi??? I generally consider low-fi under 1K, mid-fi 1 to 5K and hi-fi over 5K in speakers, perhaps half of that in component prices. Of course you can get hifi sound from speakers for 3K and midfi sound from speakers for 7K. It depends on about 25 thing... | |
I am interested to update my 15 year old system ! @vonhelmholtz I guess the vinyl components of the the rig can cost twice as much as its digital match. I have no idea, to be fair, that's just what I read. | |
I am interested to update my 15 year old system ! I see nothing wrong with analog. I have the smallest budget imaginable of all members here, I find incredible $1, $2 LPs at thrift stores every week, with content and quality nonexistent or just as expensive with a decent streaming service. Of c... | |
I am interested to update my 15 year old system ! Kat at upscale sure is awesome | |
I am interested to update my 15 year old system ! I have the P3, and tried 4 different Phono stages. I ended up with the Moon 110lp v2. You can spend 10K on a phono stage, for sure, but unless you have 10K speakers, it won't matter much. It's a fantastic little phono stage. | |
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data? @kennyc not at all. It was good learning experience in many ways, and could have been synergy issues as far as the sound.. | |
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data? @kennyc I had a horrible experience with LSA speakers. They sounded the worst of any speakers I tested and the resale value was less than 50% new. I took me 4 months to sell them at a giant discount - paid $1400, sold at $650. | |
Joseph Audio Perspective next steps I think a 26x15' room is large - sound-wise, for how speaker companies design and position figuratively and literally their offerings. Case in point, size of listening rooms at my local dealers are never bigger than 20x12. But of course that may n... | |
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data? @kennyc I don't know what I want, I do know what I don't, based on what I have heard. No KEF, B&W or Klipsch (never heard the Heritage series, so I mean the other Klipsch) and then a bunch of other brands that start at 3K. I also prefer a bo... | |
Stereophile and the love of hotel decor because audiophiles are pretty bad at many things including taste in furniture, sense of humor, baking, going to the kid's baseball game and taking pictures. | |
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data? @jeffseight it was not my intention to hold back my location. Apologies if I gave that impression. San Diego, CA @kennyc the 8 is on my radar. I have a small-ish room, it would be perfect. @jdougs I love the KHLs. I am a die-hard collector of an... | |
B&W line up I wondered about this too. As I browsed over a 100 speaker web sites last month, there is only one common theme, they are all confusing, not just the naming but the way they are presented. No idea which way is up, which model is better, newer, mor... |