
Responses from grislybutter

What is the current retail cost of your reference system?
"Point is, why do we judge people for the amount of money they spend on their hobby?" I judge people when they are jerks. Not when they disclose how much money they spent on X. Here is my "favorite" quote: "But I didn’t buy a boat" meaning the ... 
What is the current retail cost of your reference system?
@bigtwin there is something unpleasant to sickening the way people write about their several times 100K systems in this thread. Like they have to show off, compensate for something, rushing to making the point that they are super rich. And it ge... 
Great Small Room Speakers for $3-5k
if you already have a sub, Harbeth bookshelves make sense  
What is the current retail cost of your reference system?
this post went insane fast  
Speaker of My House…!
I tried 4 different subs, none worked out/they were messy. Not giving up yet.  
What is the current retail cost of your reference system?
yeah, in fewer words, what @sns said  
What is the current retail cost of your reference system?
@dadork was there an argument in there?  
What is the current retail cost of your reference system?
@ozzy62 of course it is.  it is one of the most selfish way to spend money and time.  This post proves it. It is a self-serving, genitals comparing thread with pretty much 0 purpose. Who cares? In most countries you cannot legally make and save t... 
What is the current retail cost of your reference system?
losers. mine is somewhere around 6K (new prices) for the one in my living room.    
Uneven sound comiing from my B&W DM630s
"When I turn the nob to the balance on the left speaker" if you switch cables to the speakers, does it switch the speaker's behaviour too? If so, your amp has a bad circuit, transistor, etc. the amp clearly is the issue   Also, 80s and Denon ar... 
What is the best way to clean Vinyl?
I have about 200 records and 500 CDs (and I don't like half of them that much) and 6-8 hours a week to listen - I think I am good.  
Speaker of My House…!
just curious, you said "try" and then "used", you plan to sell them if they don't work out?  
Why didn't I sell my vinyl rig?
vinyl sound quality may have issues, may not compare to digital favorably, and yet, it will have a soul, deeper than digital ever will. Maybe it’s just in my head.  
Looking for suggestions
I had a bad experience with Qobuz. Bad customer service, bad UI I am not in love with your speaker choices. Did you find these used? I like Monitor Audio but the bookshelves mostly.  I had the b&w 686s and they were pretty amazing, a little... 
Musical Surroundings Phonomena II+ -OR- Moon 110lp v2 -OR- Parasound ZPhono XRM Phono
@audphile1 the MkII is already a bit over my budget. I am not sure this where I need to push my limit, I need a better amp, and a sub, all that would improve the sound of my speakers. I would benefit the most from cleaning my LPs