
Responses from grislybutter

If Nikola Tesla Were Alive Today, What Would His Stereo Look (and, Sound) Like?
he would have wires and tubes everywhere with decent sound but nothing special  
Made in USA
I am a trained Marxist too, but the lazy type :) I think we got way off the subject, my bad   
Made in USA
this one you just can't make up "I hate obama even though I voted for him" I like him and I never voted for him. I though he lacked crucial qualities for a president. I am sorry people like you put him in office. Sounds like you made us both unh... 
Made in USA
"make a rational logical point" I seriously read your comment twice and I found 0 in it logic just wild, looney ranting. But I am a liberal so I probably lack the context.   
Tough amp decision
@ghdprentice  I guess integrated amps are cheaper, than an amp and a preamp (and separate phono stage) so I wonder what the best value is for x, for the sake of argument ~$1500, total. Seems that it will only buy the lowest end of the separates w... 
Is R.E.M. underrated by new music nerds?
@clearthinker no worries. He was just an example, maybe a divisive one. Besides, talking about politics never led to anything valuable on this forum.  
Is R.E.M. underrated by new music nerds?
The Clash for sure. The rest are OK, some I am a fan of, but most I can live without. it's all subjective  
Made in USA
can you all list the price again next to the brand and country name, otherwise it doesn't twist my Communist brain properly  
Is R.E.M. underrated by new music nerds?
and the more political, the more I like them. If I say it, no one cares, no one hears it, I will let Bono say it for me.  
Is R.E.M. underrated by new music nerds?
you have 100s of great bands to discover - I envy you - I mean 100s that are better than REM. And that’s not against REM, it’s just that there are so many great bands since the 60s. I think the 80s were the bleakest decades for rock music, and it... 
Made in USA
@jcoehler many people don’t think their racist, antiX, proY posts are edgy. They just think it’s free, open, peaceful discussion, thinking out loud, expression, exchanging ideas. But as soon as someone says: "hey you’re intolerant" they call it un... 
Sound quality of new vinyl recordings.
@clearthinker wow, lots of great antique turntables! one more funny story: we grew up on a book called the Beatles Bible. It was written by an English professor who was allowed to travel to the West so he must have had "information". I read it... 
Tough amp decision
the more I read from the pros here, the more I want separates! I am posting my ad today for my much loved integrated Amp! Baby steps...  
Sound quality of new vinyl recordings.
@clearthinker they are regular 12". Mostly from Yugoslavia.  I'd be happy with EMI :) Lenco is a great band. My first turntable was Akai. As my story goes, I didn't have money for a turntable until I was 22. But I had an album collection before ... 
Sound quality of new vinyl recordings.
@clearthinker funny things is, I have about 6 "original" Beatles LPs, (I never thought they were from the 60s, probably reissues from the 70s and they are meh. And now I looked closer and they are from "digitally re-mastered tapes"   I know they ...