
Responses from grislybutter

Speaker suggestions for MC275 Mark VI
yes, that's true. I have a 100W amp for Evoke 20s and it seems plenty...   
Speaker suggestions for MC275 Mark VI
the Contours are stunning  
Do I buy an upscale TT?
on the 100K comments, I think you need a decent room and a few K (used) for an amazing analog sound. Of course you can spent 10s of 1000s and get a better sound.  
Do I buy an upscale TT?
@ghdprentice  "Especially around the turn of the century there was a huge advancement in turntables" I thought vinyl was dying/in coma around that time    
The Impossible Has Happened
@mspot @larry5729  I was giving it a thought, and I saw many non-staged open houses. Never saw a decent system. Your have a point though that staged setups don't include a sound system. Opportunity for dealers maybe to team up with realtors and m... 
Speaker suggestions for MC275 Mark VI
no idea. But I would think Monitor Audio is a very different beast. Sonus Faber? Between these two, I'd go with Fyne  
Really Inexpensive Systems That Sounded Great?
@kota1  "for new members or people starting out in the hobby" and for old as well  
8-10k budget suggestions please
so, in my experience, pulling the trigger is never a good idea. I did it once. I got so burnt (un-resellable, hideous looking and sounding brand new speakers with no return policy) I didn't turn my system for weeks. On a pair of 1500 dollar speak... 
The Impossible Has Happened
and for the subject, why would any professional reviewer say anything bad about an item the manufacturer lent them? I have read car reviews for three decades now. The way to find out the truth about the car is not when it comes out and gets 5 star... 
The Impossible Has Happened
what pisses me off is the insensitivity of these reviews. parttimeaudiophile called an 8K component vs a 12K component affordable the other day. Car reviews are way more mindful of this cost, they don't ever call a 100K car (the equivalent of an ... 
The Impossible Has Happened
@chocaholic cheap audio man does give bad reviews.    
8-10k budget suggestions please
have you listened to the Krell or just pulling the trigger? For 8K, separates make more sense (as I read, not that I ever tried)  
Made in USA
"Only Larsman reads you posts. " I don't count, don't matter apparently!!! :)    
Tough amp decision
thanks @ghdprentice  I guess that will be a while, I will tweak other parts until my mono block phase arrives.  
Audiophile sound quality from a more "mainstream" company?
Are the following mainstream? Rotel NAD B&W Martin Logan Klipsch Dynaudio Cambidge Audio Some of them have over 100 million a year revenue