Responses from grislybutter
Inexpensive streaming amplifier @jbuhl I am in the same boat, setting up a system for my daughter. My budget is way lower than a $1000. (Yes, I am paying 100s of 1000s for her college which is why my budget for my own amp is way below a $1000) | |
Inexpensive streaming amplifier @jbuhl as @carlsbad2 said, in NYC, a dinner cost a $1000, so around that? Add desert and a glass of wine, and you are Parasound territory. | |
What does it take to be a die hard Beatles fan? @mikelavigne perfectly said! My all time favorite is Abbey Road and until I learned that Let It Be wasn't their last album I used to be confused. Their evolution heard through their albums is pure magic. | |
What does it take to be a die hard Beatles fan? @stuartk "his" meditation garden in Encinitas is still a paradise to all who live nearby | |
What does it take to be a die hard Beatles fan? @bdp24 the way you are trashing all 4 of them (but mostly 3) is painful and pathetic. I know we should try to be objective but e.g. Paul never stopping writing and recording music every decade and still going, as good as or way better than his con... | |
Picking Speakers 20k-30k here are a few, I went up to over 40 as you can find it for 30K used: brand name model price K$ sensitivity imp dim1(mm) dim2 dim3 weight(kg) Acora Acoustics SRB 48 92 4 ... | |
Inexpensive streaming amplifier on what planet is near a $1000 inexpensive? | |
What's up with the price of Vintage equipment? I bought a Marantz receiver from 1974 12 years ago for $200, sold it for $900 last year. And the going rate is really $1500. Can you buy a younger, better amp for $900 today? Probably... It did sound incredible in a mid-fi setup. And nothing beat... | |
High end speakers at low volume honest and knowledgeable advice mijostyn is definitely super knowledgeable. Honest? 😉 (just kiddding) | |
High end speakers at low volume @kennyc I listed a 100 high sensitivity speakers (title: "here is a list of high sensitivity speakers". I didn't say these are all the high sensitivity speakers including what kennyc has. So, no, I did not forget anything. | |
High end speakers at low volume @ricco275 I have a lot more fields, including WAF :) which is hard to find an algorithm for, as men has not yet figured out women | |
High end speakers at low volume here is a list of high sensitivity speakers, if that matters brand model sensitivity price volume cf weight Avantgarde trio 109 91000 56.462 135kg Avantgarde uno 107 1500... | |
Stoned ice coffee? @deadhead1000 they wanted to buy so they didn't!!! :) | |
Basic Budget Bookshelf speakers new or used? what’s your budget? room size/listening distance? | |
Basic Budget Bookshelf speakers there are about 30 brands with good, inexpensive hifi bookshelf speakers. I can send you a list. |