
Responses from grislybutter

Made in USA
I think the State of HiFi product made in a country says a lot about the country's technological state, as in education, innovation, agility and to some extent: appreciation of music. I am surprised (is that good or bad :) ) the US has so many hig... 
Sound quality of new vinyl recordings.
@clearthinker I am in not danger of spending $100 for a MoFi LP, but not even $30. Interesting to hear that that's no guarantee either, it seemed they were somehow worth the big investement. I buy $5-10 albums and about half of them are spectacula... 
what cd player ?
@innersound300  The Rotel 1570, 1572 both very solid.     
what cd player ?
Rotel, used  
Made in USA
besides where it's made, there is where it's designed, where it's owned, where it pays taxes/avoids to pay taxes, where patents are owned, where the parts are made, where the source of the parts are mined, etc. Being from a country that has sunk ... 
Sound quality of new vinyl recordings.
as i did a little research, new pressings are very rarely purely analog. And then what would be the point, you could just get it much cheaper in a digital source  
Sound quality of new vinyl recordings.
@ghdprentice and I know close to 0 about streaming. We are probably the two opposite examples - system-wise, your system is as good as it gets (I know you keep improving it) and I don't just have poor albums but very basic components as well, tha... 
Sound quality of new vinyl recordings.
to me, digital would win, based on "average" sound quality. It varies a lot less than vinyl. I don’t have money for expensive albums, so half of my collection is pretty poor quality. But about 10% of my LPs is way better than any CD, as it has bee... 
Chat GPT wrote a poem about digital vs analog
sounds pretty 4 grader homework level to me, cute but devoid of any substance or joy  
Candidates for best speakers in the $2000-5000 market
@richardmathes that's good to hear. I did read that the Heritage was amazing. I was never too impressed with the Special Fourty. Dynaudio speakers are so musical, my next speakers would be the Contours.   
martin logan dynamo 700w subwoofer trouble shooting
@m-db I emailed them last night and they responded before I woke up, Pretty amazing service from Martin Logan! Unfortunately the board is busted, and it costs over $220  
Sound quality of new vinyl recordings.
I received a lot of insight to my question, should be relevant for you:    
What is the current retail cost of your reference system?
@orenstein  Sounds lovely! If only... I am physically at the furthest possible location in the mainland US, San Diego.  
What is the current retail cost of your reference system?
@orenstein I can come over and take and post your pictures for you :)   
Quobuz subscription
I had a lot of qobuz troubles both with the quality and the subscription, not going back