
Responses from grislybutter

What I wish I knew before starting my audiophile journey
right, that's why matching is important.    
What I wish I knew before starting my audiophile journey
@curtdr  the better the speaker the more revealing it will be. Revealing the weakness of the source and amp. No joy will come out of it. It makes no sense to watch blueray movie on a VGA monitor  
Musical Surroundings Phonomena II+ -OR- Moon 110lp v2 -OR- Parasound ZPhono XRM Phono
I did listen to the MF with the changes for a couple days before the MSP arrived but I'll try again  
Where does "MidFi" differ from "HiFi" or "LOFI"?
@mceljo i am very confused about what you wrote "I don’t think price should be the primary factor" and then: "may be borderline MidFi because of its price point" so which one is it? "may be borderline MidFi because they are not hand made" how... 
Where does "MidFi" differ from "HiFi" or "LOFI"?
Andrew Robinson review soundbars. He does it really well though, but still....  
Qobuz hell
"Cancelling any subscription on the web is a pain" sometimes I have to call customer support and ask where can I cancel and they direct me to my settings, change my profile then go to some feedback page, login again, find the uncontinue link, set... 
Recommended Integrated and Bookshelf Combo for Secondary System
"Are their known magical PAIRINGS of integrateds and small bookshelves?" I think there are known magical pairings of ears + speakers + amps + music + room + time of day.  Sorry if it was a bit "vague" :)  
Speaker of My House…!
on the question: because of your room size (from the pictures) I would use bookshelf speakers. this is a fine list: Marten, Sonner, Joseph would be my order of interest....  
Speaker of My House…!
@jomonhifi  sorry if I offended you, I guess I only knew 2% of the story. (however I am not sorry for, maybe this was one quick to way to get the details out of you :) ) Good luck to you. I work hard too, but I am more on the "buried in debt" si... 
Speaker of My House…!
you had a post a few weeks ago about your problems and nobody understood what your issues were with the Sonus Faber Serafino. It seems that you just want something else for the sake of change - instead of tweaking what you have? I mean, every comp... 
The Forgotten
Cambridge Soundworks. So many perfect little sets that sparked the audiophile in generations of novice enthusiast like me in the 90s  
What I wish I knew before starting my audiophile journey
@bigtwin Yes I looked at ALL the pictures. Now I understand.  
Help. System sounds thin and bright or harsh
from my humble experience and I wrote this under this and other posts: subs won't make it warmer. Good speakers like the Harbeths are not NOT warm.  That's the amp's job. I definitely wouldn't sell the Harbeths if your problem is lack of warmth... 
What I wish I knew before starting my audiophile journey
@bigtwin I struggle with the amount of equipment you have NOW :)    
What I wish I knew before starting my audiophile journey
"No perfect sound can be achieved" Some of us pursue the most pleasing / most beautiful sound. Imperfection is part of it.