
Responses from grislybutter

Do You Play Or Save Your Best Cartridges
this is a new level of insanity. Why don't you guys put the cartridge in a glass safe and watch it. You can play the song in your head :)  
Made in USA
@noske I only read the translation of The Capital, it was dry but an OK read, and a clear scope/moral of the story: People who own the factories should be the people who work in them. The rest is history.  
Speaker suggestions for MC275 Mark VI
Made in USA
@henry53 in Eastern Europe a decent speaker (5 grand) would cost 10 grand out the door and you'd have to put 10 months of your salary away for it.  
Made in USA
Communism was terrible. Almost more surreal than Trump. People who want communism back are the lazy, corrupt ones who prefer to get rich by backstabbing others and assisting to a corrupt system. I always stood up against it and I was always punish... 
Made in USA
we must have been in different Germanies then  
Made in USA
You probably mean Communist countries. That’s different. I grew up in one. I was thinking Sweden and Germany and the likes. Where you don’t have to bring sharpies and curtains to the school to have a functioning classroom as the government takes c... 
Made in USA
@tonywinga  "What a waste when people are paid not to contribute." it is a really poorly designed system, and there is a better one, it's called socialism.     
Looking for recommendations for a phono preamp under $2k
I have been trying a few in the budget range and I read up on it and browsed the used market for weeks. In your price range: Southerland and Manley are superb   
Did vinyl sales just hit the proverbial brick wall?
I would say vinyl does when hifi dies. We'll have lemon groves in Minnesota before that happens.   
Did vinyl sales just hit the proverbial brick wall?
@mijostyn we agree to disagree. Yes, it's not green. Partly why I feel better buying used.  
Did vinyl sales just hit the proverbial brick wall?
@mijostyn  I do not understand what you just wrote. It made no sense to me. I did not separate anyone. I deal with statistics every day. I know what representation means. A used record store is a perfect representation of its buyers since THEY A... 
Did vinyl sales just hit the proverbial brick wall?
thanks @dill !  
Did vinyl sales just hit the proverbial brick wall?
@dill I would love to look at it. What’s your ebay name?  
Did vinyl sales just hit the proverbial brick wall?
@mijostyn @bigtwin I go to a used record store every week and I never see anyone there over 40. It’s full of Millennials.