
Responses from fplanner2010

Opinions on Esoteric clocks ......
All you can do is try it and see.... 
Opinions on Esoteric clocks ......
Which clock? The Esoteric Rubidium clocks will have more of an effect than their lower-end clocks in a highly resolving system. 
Opinions on Esoteric clocks ......
I have a G-OS Rubidium clock and have had it about 1 1/2 yrs. When I turn mine off, it feels like I'm losing a bit of musicality and detail. As far as whether it is "worth it", it will obviously depend on the rest of your system and what you are t... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
I think it breaks ground loops. 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Joe-I did not. My Apex cables are 12'. Even if they were only 6', it would seem like a step backwards. I've got a pretty special 32-bit 20 DACs/side APL DAC prototype that already takes the whole system up several notches, as well as a Powercell 1... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
I'd like to hear about additional experiences from existing speaker cell users and also people who tried them but didn't get them. To me they seems like power cells for my speakers and I'm in that gray area of almost "too much of a good thing" sin... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
I've had the speaker cells installed for about 2 days now. My system was very highly resolving before the cells addition and remains so. I am noticing 3 things so far - the imaging seems a bit better and there seems to be a bit more air around the... 
VAC 301 versus VAC 200 as monoblocks
That would also be my recommendation. FWIW, the heat is really not as bad as I thought it would be from a pair of 300.1s. 
VAC 301 versus VAC 200 as monoblocks
And if you like your coffee with Baileys Irish Cream or Cognac, 2 300.1's is the obvious choice..... ;-)P.S. - This also works WITHOUT the Coffee!! 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Regarding your first question, that is what I asked Elliot last week. He said the quality of the tails was the same as Apex, just insulated differently.... I don't have my demos yet to physically compare. 
VAC 301 versus VAC 200 as monoblocks
Of course, that's why the 300.1's make so much more sense..... 
Any suggestions for amp for Legacy Whisper XD
When I had Legacy Whispers, I drove them with a McCormack DNA-500. Since your bass is covered and you're looking for great mids and highs, I would look to tubes, specifically VAC. 
VAC 301 versus VAC 200 as monoblocks
The 440s are monoblocks. They were playing at CES in January. 
VAC 301 versus VAC 200 as monoblocks
I agree with Barrelchief and Art - that's what I've done. The tube glow is a bonus!! I was quite surprised by how much better the presentation got adding the 2nd 300.1 amp. Way more of everything - more air, bigger soundstage, better imaging and m... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Last week I started experimenting with the MIGS. I put a set underneath my DAC prototype which had just been sitting on my Esoteric clock. I really wasn't expecting much, if any difference. I was wrong - On ambient, they were awful. In the "pinpoi...