
Responses from fplanner2010

VAC 440 Statement mono blocks, any opinions
Thanks Dev. I don't think there was ever a $20K raise on the 450's. That might have been the earlier 440s which were an earlier version that were almost prototypes and I don't know that they put many, if any, into the marketplace. As you know, the... 
VAC 440 Statement mono blocks, any opinions
I seriously doubt there is any way for me to accurately compare the 2 amps unless I put the 450 into my system. I don't think that would happen without a purchase which I am currently not prepared to do. That's why Dev's opportunity was important ... 
VAC 440 Statement mono blocks, any opinions
Dev- You were very fortunate to be able to hear that system in the manner that you were able to. Please be sure to let us know your reactions in your own system when they arrive and congratulations!You opinion echoes those of several others I have... 
Who is the KING of MONOS?
VAC has a pair of 450 Statement monos that are said to greatly impress all who hear them. That has not been me, yet. The price of admission is not inexpensive, so I am saving my nickels..... Obviously, there is no King, as there is no Best - but i... 
What CDP gets really close to vinyl?
I strongly SECOND the APL NWO-M. Read the reviews here and by various mags (of its predecessors). Starts with the best Esoteric transport made, add lots of 32-bits DACs, top-quality parts and genius engineering and you get a piece that is second t... 
Kef 205/2
I know this is very simple, but DID YOU CALL KEF??? THAT's the place to start. They will know their speakers better than anyone else. Your biggest problem might be your cabling - Nordost has never been known for strong bass. Adding VD cables is al... 
best transport?
Not sure why, but it almost seems like the further up the food chain you go with Esoteric, the more warmth/musicality becomes evident. Try to listen to an "-01" of some type and I think you'll probably hear this. Another option might be to try the... 
Is this the END of DAYS for the high end CD player
Chadeffect:Wayneker2176 answered your question much better than I could. I am gradually dipping my toes into computer audio, but am in no hurry. I figure time is on my side here, as there appear to be new digital software and connection breakthrou... 
best transport?
Hard to go wrong with Esoteric. 
Is this the END of DAYS for the high end CD player
After reading these posts, I still think I made the right decision. I just had my Esoteric UX-1pi modified by APL to include many 32-bit 2nd generation DACs and lots of other bills and whistles, including digital in and out. It is now an "M" (for ... 
Anyone Heard Westlake Towers recently?
Mlauner - thanks for the quick response. Any idea which ones he has? Also would you say they are more of a studio speaker that might transfer OK to a home audio environment, or would they pretty much blow away anything else in a home system? I gue... 
Review: APL Hi Fi NWO 4.0 Master Edition CD Player
After a number of years, I finally decided to upgrade to the latest APL 1-box digital solution, in this case, the NWO-M. It replaces my 3 box Esoteric Ux-1pi Transport/ Esoteric Rubidium clock/APL prototype NWO-4.0 Super-DAC. Totally unbroken-in, ... 
Good tube preamp for McCormack DNA 500???
I used the VAC Standard LE with my DNA-500 Driving Legacy Whisper speakers. Got all the characteristics you indicated you are looking for. Can't go wrong with VAC, plus their service is great, if needed. Good synergy with the DNA-500, which I stil... 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
Sabai - None of us really care about your claimed "mods" - we've all been doing them for years and its getting very tiresome hearing how clever you are. Alex does a complete re-design, not a "mod". You are an authority on nothing, yet you just bla... 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
Seconded. Can't remember the last time I've seen so many, many, many, many words used to address such a simple position in such an old thread by 1 person. Such a highly critical and zealous dissection of an obviously subjective event 5 years ago i...