
Responses from fplanner2010

SS Amp to replace VAC 300.1 in a side-ways move?
Simple:1. Don't make the changes, OR2. Figure out a way to accommodate the 300.1 if changes made, +/or3. Get a 2nd 300.1. If you can fit 1, you can probably fit 2 and the improvement is jaw-dropping, depending on your system. Had a McCormack DNA-5... 
Amps direct to wall vs. power conditioner?
I get better sound out of my VAC 300.1 amps running them through my Powercell 10-SE. Cleans up any residual "grunge" in the lines. 
power condtioner
An electrician. I did the same thing as one of my first upgrade steps. $150. including parts in my case. 
Zingali HM-215 horn speakers
Thanks Duke. Looks like that won't be an issue since I can't find a Zingali distributor in the US and I've already talked to Randy at OSS, who was very gracious but no longer connected to Zingali. I'm pretty leery of the brand if there is no US su... 
Zingali HM-215 horn speakers
Thanks Marty 
Zingali HM-215 horn speakers
Thanks for the response - I appreciate it. I'm having a hard time finding a current US distributor so I can even arrange for an audition. Don't even know if they're still building speakers, or for that matter, still in business.Any assistance is a... 
VAC Avatar Super and Mc 2275
I agree. 
The most hilarious ad ever on Audiogon?
There is definite home theater potential as well, especially if placed adjacent to the rear and surround speakers they are driving.You might think of offering a Home Theater package with 7 of these amps run in mono, with some sort of a price break... 
What is the best DAC ever made?
Thanks Sam. Bill - give it a rest. 
What is the best DAC ever made?
I can't speak to what Alex is or isn't doing. I currently have his prototype Super-DAC and am breaking it in. I've read a number of positive things about Audio Note DACs and am still wondering if anyone either has one or has heard one.Thanks. 
What is the best DAC ever made?
Anybody try Audio Note? 
CD players - Luxman vs. Esoteric?
Additionally, I believe Luxman products need to go to Japan for repairs, whereas Esoteric does it in California. 
CD players - Luxman vs. Esoteric?
I have an Esoteric UX-1 that I had Esoteric upgrade to a UX-1pi, while retaining the original transport. It has their best transport. Esoteric is a pleasure to deal with and seems to me to be path of least resistance in your case. Build quality of... 
What is the best DAC ever made?
Perrew- The new and only APL-NWO Super-DAC prototype is now in my system. WOW!! Alex has done it again!! You know what I am hearing, as do other 4.0-SE owners. The rest of you can just be jealous behind your APL-bashing. To each their own, I suppo... 
What is the best DAC ever made?
California currently - too many bullets in the countries you mentioned......