
Responses from fplanner2010

Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Hologram A on my preamp works best for me. System already very highly resolving. 
power conditioners
I agree on the SR Powercell 10SE - Stringreen - you need to "meet it" and your tune will change (couldn't resist...). 
Review: Valve Amplification Company Phi 300 Tube amp
Kevin does not and never has struck me as being secretive about anything. I would ask he or Brent. I'm pretty sure they told me - I just don't remember (sigh - it stinks getting older... :-)) 
Review: Valve Amplification Company Phi 300 Tube amp
Sorry - I don't have the answer - that would be a Kevin/Brent question. It's a subtle improvement, but its there, at least in my system. Definitely worth a try, IMO, if you don't already have them. 
Review: Valve Amplification Company Phi 300 Tube amp
Re-tubed 6 months ago with VAC's newer KT-88's and getting a slightly more organic and airy presentation. In addition, they are dead quiet and supposed to be much more reliable than the previous iteration of KT-88s used by VAC. Curious to see if a... 
Velodyne DD12 or DD15
db - I get surprisingly good imaging, much better than I or others would have expected from this setup. It could probably be a bit better if I didn't have anything between the speakers and I realize that, but I am quite happy with the compromise f... 
Velodyne DD12 or DD15
Rwwear - I wish I could, but its my living room, complete with big dogs. The mains need to stay where they are and surprisingly, they sound much better than they ought to in that position. They are actually each about 3 feet from the back wall, al... 
Velodyne DD12 or DD15
I have a DD-15 and its great for movies, although my main speakers supposedly also go below 20Hz. If you can wait a bit, Velodyne was "supposed to" be coming out with the upgrade to the DD series for the past several years. My guess is the flat ec... 
Synergistic R Hologram A or T3 on preamp ???
Hologram A sounded better than the T-3 on my preamp - its a matter of matching with the other components and cabling in your system. Coming from Virtual Dynamics best cabling, the Hologram A is a piece of cake to use. Its all relative. Try both an... 
VAC Renaissance Pre-amp owners - Help
Just call Kevin or Brent at VAC and they will be able to get you going immediately. 
APL Hi-Fi NWO-4.0SE CD Player Review
Hi John (jafox) - A strong Plan B is as John (Puremusic) says- ALex's new SS DAC and a transport or server. If your choice is transport, I would seriously find a used Esoteric of some sort. The Denon transport and laser are awful compared to a dec... 
APL Hi-Fi NWO-4.0SE CD Player Review
John-VERY NICE ROOM!! What speakers are those? Thanks 
APL Hi-Fi NWO-4.0SE CD Player Review
Lokie- A more detailed look at the APL website would have answered your question. The DAC-s is a "lite" version of some of the 4.0 architecture. The 4.0 is a 1-box solution that competes with basically anything out there at any price. The DAC-s is... 
VAC Signature MKIIa pre-amp
I started with Stillpoints, then went to Finite Elemente Cerapucs and am now using Synergistic MiGs. Incremental improvements with each change. 
Need USB cable recommendation
Check out Wireworld.