
Responses from fplanner2010

Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
I agree with both Jafox and Mrtennis above - well stated. 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
Once Again, from a similar thread:12-27-10: Fplanner2010If you were a design engineer/manufacturer, Bill, you would probably not be so smug nor disrespectful. The fact that Alex even participates in some of your baiting is remarkable to me - I cer... 
Esoteric K-01
If you were a design engineer/manufacturer, Bill, you would probably not be so smug nor disrespectful. The fact that Alex even participates in some of your baiting is remarkable to me - I certainly wouldn't.It is always beneficial when a manufactu... 
Esoteric K-01
While it does not reduce jitter, a good external clock can have some benefit, depending upon how resolving your system is and what the internal clock is doing. I have heard my system sound better with the external clock in it using my UX-1, but th... 
Esoteric K-01
I have asked this same question a while back, owning an Esoteric Rubidium clock and also Apl-modded gear. Once I understood the different functions of a "clock", I see why the external clock, while nice to have, is nowhere near as critical as the ... 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
To be honest, I think a lot of this "one-upmanship" is an effort to further self-justify what is probably a pretty expensive, in relative terms, piece of equipment. I think some are looking for further reassurance they made a smart purchase, espec... 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
Sabai- I would bet the EMM and Powercell would still be outperformed by the APL and Powercell, and that it still wouldn't be close. That would be "apples to apples" - but in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't matter. There is no "best",... 
Resolving amps
VAC 300.1 
Esoteric K-01
FWIW - I have the 2nd generation 32-bit AKM DACs in my APL - NWO-ME Super-DAC prototype that I use along with my upgraded Esoteric UX-1, which I believe has the Burr-Browns in it. While I realize there are way more DACs in the APL prototype, so th... 
Tube preamp choice- Vac Ren Sig IIa or Einstein ?
I've heard both and own the VAC - great support from VAC as well. Comes down to personal/system preference and I agree with Jazdoc about trying to demo each in your system. 
VAC 440 Statement mono blocks, any opinions
They will theoretically be at CES in January. I believe they have been improved upon since they originally came out, which accounts for the slightly different look. I would like to hear them against my 300.1s, but don't think that will happen anyt... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
"Relaxed" is not the right word for what the MIGs did to the highs in my system. A better word would be "released". No artificial "brightness". They in no way "increased" the amount of bass in my system, but merely let the bass that was always the... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
I also have a steel rack with thick glass shelves and for me, the MIGs killed the Stillpoints. It wasn't even close. More open, fuller sound from top to bottom. In my system, the Stillpoints opened up the highs and upper mids, but didn't touch the... 
Which cost more: your system or your car?
System worth and cost more than vehicles (2 Lexus, 1 Range Rover); approaching value of house. Yikes - reality check.... 
CD players - Luxman vs. Esoteric?
I have an Esoteric UX-1 containing arguably their best transport, now only found in the P-01. My sound is ANYTHING BUT clinical. It is actually just the opposite and although my system is tubes, Esoteric demos their systems at shows without tubes ...