
Responses from fplanner2010

CD players - Luxman vs. Esoteric?
I'm confused. If you've already heard the X-05, WHY DO YOU CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK ABOUT IT? You furnish information on awards and reviews and Luxman models - to what end? Do you work for Luxman? Are you trying to talk yourself into or out of eithe... 
Von Schweikert or Westlake Audio
"sufficient" is a relative word. More power is always better. There have been excellent results obtained from Pass Labs and McIntosh (solid state) as well as VAC and VTL(tubes), among many others.There is an excellent VSA thread on Audiocircle tha... 
Von Schweikert or Westlake Audio
Von Schweickerts love good clean power - the Plinius SA Reference should work well. Many VSA owners end up monoblocking or bi-amping for best results. 
Keep Sunfire Amp but change Processor
I have a 4-year-old Sunfire signature amp that puts out 800w to each of 5 channels into 4 ohms and am using it with an Integra 9.8 Processor. The only thing that went into a box was the Sunfire processor, which is very outdated. Maintaining separa... 
Alon Speakers
You might also consider McCormack DNA amps. Very musical solid state amps with lots of power to control bass, etc. Used prices are all over the board, depending upon budget and power requirements. Steve also supports his amps well. 
VAC would be my choice, hands down. 
stereo amp vs monoblocks, any advantages?
I went from 1 amp to 2 and aside from the obvious power increase and all the benefits from that, I'm now getting better channel separation and imaging. As an unintended byproduct, they also provide nice heat sources in the winter for a north-facin... 
JBL K2 5500 anyone?
Shadorne - you raise a good point. Not sure about the 5500s. but the K2 9900s I heard at RMAF were pretty impressive.Antonkk - You won't really know anything until you try them in your system and you may very well love them, if they are in good co... 
JBL K2 5500 anyone?
Despite the above 2 comments, 35hz is not very low for a full-range speaker, especially at that price point, IMO. Its high enough to make me lose interest, at least at this point. And yes, there are many movies and CDs that go below 35hz without b... 
What is the best bang for the buck 65 incher?....
If you can find one, a Sony KDS-60A3000. 60" SXRD with "floating edges". Great picture and best Sony compromise since they don't make a 60 or 65" LCD xbr. My experience has been that Sony gives me the most pleasing picture and they just don't brea... 
JBL K2 5500 anyone?
Antonkk- The story I got from the Harmon Kardon people at RMAF was that if they made the bass go lower, it would lower the speaker "efficiency" and sound disjointed from the rest of the horns. Not sure that I buy it, but that was their story and I... 
JBL K2 5500 anyone?
The reason is that the bass only goes to about 33hz. therefore not overpowering the smaller rooms. At RMAF, the 9900 K2's in the trailer sounded MUCH better than the Everests in the main building. In fact, I almost bought the 9900's, which have ye... 
Virtual Dynamics vs Tesla
http://www.virtualdynamics.ca/ works for me. 
Purepower 2000 & Synergistic Powercell 10SE
I likewise do not want to sound like a promoter, but have had a very similar experience to Dlcockrum's with SR, including dealing with Micheal at Vineyard who was very helpful. I ended up replacing a BPT 3.5+ and a full high-end Virtual Dynamics c... 
SS Amp to replace VAC 300.1 in a side-ways move?
To also add a brief comment - the VAC 300.1 has deeper and tighter bass response than the VAC 300.