
Responses from fplanner2010

Velodyne DD vs DD18plus?
I have a DD15 and upgraded to DD15+. More of everything, plus very effortless power. New software and config-ability make this a nice upgrade. ALso not having to go thru the TV to rework slope and volume is another positive. 
Velodyne DD Plus: New King of the Jungle?
I have had a DD-15 for about 6 years now, with software that high-crosses down to 20 hz. I was very concerned that the new DD-15+, which is limited by the software to only high-cross down to 40 hz wouldn't work as well with my VSA VR-7se's, (which... 
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
OK - Now I understand :-). What tubes did you end up replacing and what with? thanks. 
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
Knghifi - thanks for sharing above. Do I understand you to be saying the CV-181-Z can replace some tubes in my preamp? Which ones? I have the Ren Sig MkIIa. This is pure curiosity for when/if I decide to do a bit more "tweaking". Thank you again.B... 
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
Hi Dev-I haven't had a desire at all to tube roll my VAC preamp, instead taking the path of "if its not broke and sounds great, don't fix it". The amps were a lot easier to deal with as far as just popping tubes in and out and I had heard there co... 
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
Coincidentally, I have recently replaced the front tubes of my 300.1s with CV-181 Shuguang Black Treasures. I immediately got a stronger bass presence, wider and deeper soundstage and a more organic "you are there" sound. I got the premium tubes f... 
New Von Schweikert VR 33?
Nice cheap shot on AVS, Stringreen. Your opinion is just that and you have a lot of nerve trying to tell ANYONE, unsolicited, how to LISTEN to anything. You do not qualify to give anyone such advice, nor do I. It doesn't matter what you do or how ... 
New Von Schweikert VR 33?
Wow - not sure why you would deliberately slam a speaker line you haven't recently heard yourself at all. That's not trading of ideas, its just looking to pick a fight. That helps nobody. How can anyone care what you think about VS speakers, when ... 
Legacy speakers and what amps?
I've used a McCormack DNA-500 on both Legacy Focus and Whispers - with excellent results. I'm sure they've got a preamp that would also match up. I've still got the DNA-500 - couldn't bear to part with it - its that good. Good luck. 
Esoteric K-01
Thank you for the compliment. I'm pretty happy. If I didn't have the NWO, I would probably get the K-01. Although I have yet to hear it, various friends whose opinions I trust implicitly have raved about it. 
Esoteric K-01
Maybe... but I KNOW Alex's NWO-M 4.0 does this, as I hear it everyday. :-) 
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
VAC "costs" are relative - most VAC owners seem to keep their gear for quite a while, so their "investment" over time might be the same or even less than if they were trading out every 6 months, like a number of people do with other brands.When yo... 
Esoteric K-01
Here's a link to that thread:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?ddgtl&1301679798&&&/EMM-Labs-XDS1-vs-Esoteric-K-01 
Esoteric K-01
Joe-I believe you might be trying to compare apples and oranges, as they say. I would either call Esoteric or your Esoteric dealer if you have one. There is also another thread here talking about the K-03 with some feedback from several dealers th... 
Von Schweikert VR-9se
VAC tube gear is also an excellent option with VSA speakers. That's what I use on my modded 7's and the combination is magical.