
Responses from fplanner2010

Processor upgrade from Integra 9.8?
Thanks Monty - I guess my ignorance as to the capabilities of the Oppo is showing :-). I don't even have it yet, but it sounds like it may be my solution in more than 1 area. I appreciate you pointing this out - thanks again. 
Has LED caught up to Plasma?
Vicdamone - I find the + to be a bit quicker and fuller, terms which of course I have no desire to even Begin to measure :-). The best thing I like about it is being able to make adjustments, especially volume, on the fly using the remote and the ... 
Has LED caught up to Plasma?
Vicdamone - Thanks, I appreciate it. I've decided to pass on CES this year and just enjoy what I've got. I've been very fortunate to be able to piece together my system, such as it is, and now finally have the right video component, at least for m... 
Has LED caught up to Plasma?
If I had only relied on the poorly set-up 60" Elite Pro at the Magnolia Best Buy I visited, I would have NEVER purchased the set. Nobody there had the faintest idea how to properly set up the set, let alone using the different viewing modes, which... 
Has LED caught up to Plasma?
Its still "snideness", as another poster has remarked, and inappropriate. 
Has LED caught up to Plasma?
Well said. 
Has LED caught up to Plasma?
RR- Then your money truly WOULD be wasted, since at best you would still have a vastly inferior picture to the PRO ELITE. BTW - Your "waste" crack was out of line and not helpful to anyone. This TV has been favorably compared to the Kuro in severa... 
Has LED caught up to Plasma?
I wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't better - so no, I didn't buy 2nd best, at least not to me (and many others). The blacks ARE better, viewing angle is fine and its my individual choice, as you say. Its in a different league than the plasmas a... 
Has LED caught up to Plasma?
I would say yes - LCD has caught up, and reference my new PRO ELITE 70" (Unsound is referring to the 60" version). Beats any plasma I have ever seen in most of the discussion points above, including black level. Its the product of a 2.5 year joint... 
Best new 70" to 80" display
Thanks - I appreciate it. TV watching has just become a much more "immersive" event - you really feel like you're "right there". Movies are like going to a movie theater. I wouldn't have thought this possible with a mere TV, until now. I can see w... 
Best new 70" to 80" display
The Pro-Elite 70" arrived yesterday. WOW!! Lots of adjustments possible to really tweak whatever kind of picture you want. Very bright, but that is easily adjusted, and nice to have it there when/if I need it. Out of the box, has a similar picture... 
Best new 70" to 80" display
Mribob- the 80" Sharp you looked at was NOT a Pro Elite, since Elite only makes a 60 and 70. What you were looking at was just a regular Sharp TV - just to be clear. 
Best new 70" to 80" display
To my eyes, there was no comparison between the Elite and the Mits. Different technologies and different types of pictures. My preference was the Elite. 
Best new 70" to 80" display
Put 1 link up already. Here is another:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl0dlZfGvXg&feature=related 
Best new 70" to 80" display
SHarp had no interest in Pioneer's plasma technology.I think this will be very informative.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMwyivGhyG0&feature=related