

Responses from elberoth2

Speaker recommendations specifically for Lamm ML2
Try Kharma 3.2 
Question about ML SL3 and Accent i ???????Help???
Just got the panels replaced. It costs 500$ or so. They will sound as new. If anything, ML technology improved over the years. 
AVALON Indra ??
But at keast the final Indra will feature the same Accuton tweeter as Opus/Eidolon Vision (instead of the cheaper ceramic tweeter from NP2/Symbol/Ascendant). 
Avalon Ascendants - How is the treble?
Avalon changed their design in the late 2006. I have only heard the older ones (with alu tweeter) and they indeed sounded somewhat laid back and non-fatiguing. I haven't hard the new Ascendants, but I wouldn't expect them to sound much different, ... 
Avalon Ascendants - How is the treble?
Are you talking anout the new Ascendants (with the ceramic tweeter), or the old ones, with aluminium ones ? 
Emm Lab CDSA-Se vs Resolution Opus 21.
As an ex owner of AA Capitole mk II, I can tell you that it is considerably better than Opus 21, but somehow behind EMM Labs non-signature separates (I have heard all 3 in my system for prolonged lenght of time).I have never heard the CDSA though ... 
Musical Fidelity kw DM 25 Transport and DAC
Tlday - I would rather keep my inside information for myself. I have already been attacked on this forum for disclosing Shunyata secrets (or more precise: things that Shunyata didn't want to see the lights of day) that ended with the whole thread ... 
Anyone heard the new Cary CAD-500MB monos ?
I just wanted to add that I finally traded my Lamms for the Carys. They are a far better match for may system (much more flesh on the bones), and at least as good as the Lamms overall. It comes as a surprise, since they cost only 1/3 of the price ... 
Musical Fidelity kw DM 25 Transport and DAC
LOL, you learn new things everyday.Since I just been officially labelled "Musical Fidelity hater", I think I have to go back and start some MF hate threads.I confess, that in my 300+ posts on Audiogon, I have only once mentioned MF (in this thread... 
Amp on SRA Ohio XL.. still use additional footers?
IMO it doesn't preclude using other devices, such as cones or footers. Very often using multiple devices to control resonances may have cumulative effect.You will not know unless you try. 
Musical Fidelity kw DM 25 Transport and DAC
Mert,I have just noticed, that this is your first post on Audiogon.You prolly do not know then, that one of the biggest AudiogoN's assets, is freedom of speech. Everyone can express his opinions on any given product.Kjgp asked about opinions, and ... 
Musical Fidelity kw DM 25 Transport and DAC
Michalson killed my doughter, LOL.Seriously though - I have absolutely no problems with MF, other than the fact that their gear is - in general - poorely engineered and sounds medicore at best.I really wish MF spend as much money on the design of ... 
Musical Fidelity kw DM 25 Transport and DAC
I'm curious what kind of SOTA source components have you compared your MF DAC/CDT to, to clam that "KW DM25 is a good value for money product".Are you talking about your budget Arcam CDP ? Just curious. 
Amp to go with Emm dcc2 se and wilson sophias
Cary CAD-500MB should be a good match. The only problem with Carys is ... their name :-) This is why not many ppl take them seriously.The fact it that they are superb amps. The Carys replaced $22k Lamm M1.2 Reference in my system.You can get a pai... 
CD player vibration control ..................
I second Ceraballs. They are quite amaizing.