

Responses from elberoth2

New Audio Physic Virgo 5 ?
I simply got the feeling that the bass is to prominent. In a bigger romm than mine (14 x 19), they may work well though. 
Hansen Emperor or MBL 101E or Avalon Isis
I would go with Avalons, but def with different electronics. I have personally never liked the Avalon/Spectral combo since it always sounded too thin to my ears. I would consider CAT (tube) or Vitus Audio (SS) to go with Avalons. 
New Audio Physic Virgo 5 ?
I'm giving them back tomorrow. They are on dealer's loan. My speaker quest continues. IMO they are not transparent enough for me + they have some bass problems (in my room). 
New Audio Physic Virgo 5 ?
Rgs - I do not relly know what exactly do you mean by "in your face". The speaker is not bright or forward sounding by any means. The bass may be a problem though, especially in smaller rooms where it may overpower the room. 
Any info about a possible upgrade to ARC Ref 3?
The curiosity took the better part of me and I called Terry Dorn from ARC today. I asked him if they have any plans to introduce Ref 4 or Ref 3 mk 2 in a feasable future.Here is what Terry told me (this is an exact quote):"None whatsoever. The REF... 
New Audio Physic Virgo 5 ?
I have it at home right now. A very good speaker. Def much warmer sounding that the older Virgo III it replaces. If it wasn't German, I would say that it has a classic British sound. 
Any info about a possible upgrade to ARC Ref 3?
I was told by my dealer that there is no replacement planned for 2008. I was also told that Ref 3 is a single best selling component in ARC history. 
Ceramic Coated Woofers
Symbols use ceramic COATED drive units (whatever that means), not ceramic per se, as in the more expensive models. 
Ceramic Coated Woofers
It's normal. 
Whatever happened to Straight Wire?
Funny thing that you mention gold as a conductor. A few (10+) years back Siltech used to play with gold conductors. At one point they offered the same cable with diff count of gold wires - FTM-4Si which was pure silver, FTM-4Sg which used one sing... 
PS Audio Premier
So replace the fans. This was a 5 min job o the P300 - shouldn't take much longer on the Premier. 
PS Audio Premier
I have had the same problem with my P300. The easiest and cheapest solution is to replace those fans. If you go to the computer shop, you may get fans that generate as low as 7dB of noise. They cost about 15-20$ each. 
Class-D amps - a different re view
Elberoth2 - the H2O is made in America. That should tell you a lot. I have monos. The aluminum plates are made and finished in the USA. There are some 30 or more power caps.Mularman1 - I asked this question on purpose. The reason is that there are... 
Class-D amps - a different re view
The class D amps I have are not cheap. They are expensive to produce.Muralman1 - could you tell us, what part of your amp is expensive to produce ? The box ? Or the transformer and 2 caps in the PS ? 
Class-D amps - a different re view
Elbroth2, what switching amps besides the already mentioned Nuforce and Bel canto have you evaluated?I have evluated the following class-d amps:BelCanto evo 4 mk II (Tripath based) run in both bridged and unbridged modeNuForce 9v2SETwo ICE Power b...