

Responses from elberoth2

Anybody hear Murano ICE amps?
IMO they are no different than any other ICEpower based design. 
Making your ARC 110/210/220 dead quiet
Well, the other way to get rid of the fan noise is to disconnect them and run the amp with the top cover removed. That is how a friend of mine is running his 210s. IMO, my solution to the fan noise problem is much more elegant though. 
Audio Aero Capitole MK 2 owners must read this
I also thought about replacing those caps, but never had a time to do it. Good to hear that is is working out for you !I eventually traded my Capitole for MBL 1531. 
McIntosh C1000 tube pre vs. ARC Ref 3?
... or Kubala Sosna Emotion IC. 
Are there digital front ends with the body...
To my ears, the biggest problem for CDPs (as opposed to vinyl) is not the "body" (or lack of) but the dynamics - both micro and macro. 
EAR Acute v. Plinius CD101
I would choose the EAR just becouse I could not live with CD101's display. 
Class-D amps - a different re view
I've reread Colloms's review and found another interesting point. Martin speculates (since he does not have enough exhamples of different applications of Class-D technology to prove his point), that the above avarage CI Audio resoult may be due to... 
Dartzeel or Tenor for Marten Coltrane speakers???
I would also consider Lamm ML 1.1 or 2.1. 
BAT Preamps, why such polarized opposite opinions?
I would like to put my prevoius post into perspective. BAT sounds veiled and closed in IN COMPARISION to the latest ARC Reference gear (Ref 3 & Ref 110). If you compare it to some other amps, it may not be that obvious. Which doesn't change th... 
Class-D amps - a different re view
As I said in my initial post - those are just his conclusions. The original review is 14 pages long - full of technical analysys, measurements and his impressions. The amps were very well run in (500h), he tried varoius power cords, varoius inputs... 
BAT Preamps, why such polarized opposite opinions?
From my expirience (I owned BAT 51SE for over 2 years) BAT is thick, slow and veiled. This is a typical BAT sound to me - I have tried severeal BAT components (VK30, VK-500, VK-150SE) and they all have this sonic signature. ARC Ref 3 on the other ... 
Which amp to drive Avalon Diamonds?
I used to have Lamms M1.2 Ref driving my Eidolons Visions. It was not a good match IMO. 
BAT Preamps, why such polarized opposite opinions?
I just have traded my BAT 51SE for a brand new ARC Ref 3. 
Good CDP with digital input/DAC capable
Both Audio Aero Capitole and SACD Prestige offer a bunch of digital inputs. 
Wilson owners Call of Duty
I somehow missed this thread before.FYI - Dave Wilson uses TA cables (Opus) at home. Last time I visited him, his system consisted of ARC CD 7 / REF 3 / VTL Sigfried / X-2. Wilson Audio also uses TA cable inside all Wilson speakers, although AFAIR...