

Responses from elberoth2

Review: Wadia 581i CD Player
The thing is that you have to take as many variables as possible out of equation. Here you have left the cables, which may change the sound quite a bit (for the better or worse). Just a thought. A nice review nonetheless. 
Review: Wadia 581i CD Player
Why did you use different ICs with each of those players ? 
Review: Antique Sound Labs Flora EX DT Line Preamplifier Tube preamp
I wonder how Flora would compare to Placette Active ? 
New monoblocs for Maxx II, which ones
I have to somehow agree with Oneobgyn. I have had Lamm M1.2 Reference monos and have had absolutely no problems driving my 87dB efficient Avalons Eidolon Vision. 
New monoblocs for Maxx II, which ones
Dave Wilson uses VTL Sigfrieds in his house driving X-2, and this combo sound terrific (with ARC Ref 3 and ARC Ref 7). He also has a pair of Lamm ML2.1 and another pair at the factory.Call Trent at Wilson Audio - I belive he has them as well and c... 
APL NWO-2.5T A Review of a Classic CD Player
When 2.5T came up, I was wondering, how long would it take APL to introduce a newer version. And there it is - just after 6 months !This is unbeliveable ! Imagine that ARC is already critiseized for changing models every 3 years ! 
Plinius or Simaudio
I would say it depends on your musical tastes. Plinius and Simaudio have VERY different musical perspectives. 
Review: Audio Research Corporation HD 220 Amplifier
Now it makes sense. Thanks ! 
Review: Audio Research Corporation HD 220 Amplifier
You seem to change your mind 180 deg quite ... well, often.You had written:"The 220 gives me what I've always enjoyed about the best tube and solid state designs...dimensionality instead of paper cut outs and fixed images, roundness without bloat ... 
Review: Audio Research Corporation HD 220 Amplifier
Did you have a chance to compare REf 110 to HD220 at home or at the dealer's showroom ? 
Any Comparisons between VTL 7.5 & ARC Ref 3
Scousepasty -> sure you shouldn't buy anything without listening first. But then, you are not able to listen to everything on the market. Good reviews can serve as pre-filters. Funny thing that you mentioned that you found ARC better than CJ AC... 
Any Comparisons between VTL 7.5 & ARC Ref 3
Well, $100 (not $150) certainly may seem as a lot of money for a magazine. At least at the first sight when you compare them to Stereophile and the likes which sell for 12$ a year. BUT, when you think what you get for your $100 ... well, it makes ... 
Any Comparisons between VTL 7.5 & ARC Ref 3
Speaking of Ref 3 - there is an excellent review written by Martin Colloms in 3rd issue of HiFi Critic. This a new ad-free mag which I strongly reccomend. Martin makes extensive comprisions to CJ ACT II.2 and CT (5?) pre amps. 
Meridian vs Ayre
IMO that would be a side move at best. 
$40.000 speaker advise. Check out my list
Although I personally like Eidolons Diamond very much, I doubt that they would make a great match with your system, as some ppl sugested. Same goes for lumen white and other Accuton (ceramic) based speakers. They do require an amp with "musical/or...