

Responses from elberoth2

Using External Word Clock with Transporter?
using an external word clock implies the TP plays hi-rez files at half speed!What do you mean ? 
wadia 20 transport and 25 dac
The price for this combo is sky high IMO. 
what happened to Cary 500MB?
The 500MB is the only amp I bought twice. It has gobs of power (I have had great success driving Audiostatic speakers, that are 72dB efficient), great dynamics and bass slam, exceptional soundstage depth and above avg mirodynamics. The only thing ... 
Using External Word Clock with Transporter?
I'm interested as well. 
KRELL S-300i How does it sound ?
I'm talking in general. The drive you are reffering to can be found in a prolly less than 0,1% of audiophile players. 99,9% manufacturers use Sony, Philips and various DVD drives which are nowhere near as reliable as Red Book only drives. 
KRELL S-300i How does it sound ?
Dave,Not necessarly. CD transport mechanisms are much more reliable than CD/SACD drives.IMO they would bo much better with CD drive and digital input of some kind (USB or SPDiF). PC Audio is gonna kill SACD anyway. 
KRELL S-300i How does it sound ?
Is the new player gonna be CD/SACD or Red Book only ? 
KRELL S-300i How does it sound ?
How do you know ? Does it have Made in China sticker ? 
Ypsilon Electronics
I have heard them twice at show conditions. Each time the sound was at least very good. They are uber expensive though ~ $70k. 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
76doublebass - I would rather get used Ref CD-7 and Ref-3 if your budget is somehow limited - that would cost you close to the new CD-8, but you would get much more improvement in sound quality for your dollar. 
Shunyata New Hydra 8 version 2
Is it more expensive the the old one ? 
Amp rec for AR REF3/CD7, & SF Auditor M's/REL B2
I also have CD-7/Ref 3. I have tried several higly regarded amps, including such benchmarks as Pass X-350.5, and ARC Ref 110 was the best match by far. The only amp that bettered Ref 110 in my system so far was DarTZeel 108, but DarT is almost $23... 
VAM1202 same as Phillips CDM 1201?
VAM1202 is a complete transport mechanism. VAM1201 is just a laser pickup. Both are Philips parts. 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
Here is a pic of an upgraded CD-7 I got from a fellow member from Sweden:Inside image CD-7 with 5881 
Replaced Kimber Kable Hero ICs with Kubala-Sosna
KS Emotion speaker cables have a lot of texture and are very smooth. Not the last word in transparency and resolution, but great cables nonetheless.