

Responses from elberoth2

Best way to hook-up a cd player to Krell 400xI
Definately - using the 400xi with a Marantz changer is like putting some old, 14 inch wheels on your new BMW 535i. 
dCS Puccini Clock
A friend of mine, who owns the old stack (Verdi LaScala, Verona Clock, Elgar Plus) has auditioned Puccini in his system (Nagra PL-P + VPA; Avis Acutus/SME V/ZYX) for the period of 2 weeks.He came to the conclusion that his old stack betters Puccin... 
dCS Puccini Clock
Blackstonejd - how does the U-Clock compare to Squeezebox ? 
krell FPB300 or jeff rowland model 7
If you had build your system around BAT, which has rather distinctive sound in my expirience - dark with limited microdynamics and resolution (I have owned 51SE and have auditioned VK200 and VK-500), and you are happy with it, then it is no supris... 
Most resolving solid state amp you've ever heard?
My vote also goes to Pass X-250. 
krell FPB300 or jeff rowland model 7
There are better amps you can get for the price of used FPB300 (~$2700). Pass X-250 is one of them. I had a chance to compare them side by side in my system - Pass is by far much more transparent, open on top, soundstaging is much better etc. They... 
A good transport
Acoustic Arts Drive 1 mk 2 (~$2500), Audiomeca Mephisto II (~$1500), MBL 1521A (there is one advertised on AgoN right now below $4k).Personally, I wouldn't go for anything more expensive than AA Drive 1 if I were you. 
Has any had experiecne with the MF 550k superchar?
IMO it will destroy the sound of your SET. Instead of getting the best of both worlds, you will end up getting the worst of both worlds I'm affraid. 
Krell KID vs. Wadia i170.
Wadia i170 just got a review from HiFi Critic (add-free mag from the UK run by Martin Colloms). A very, very bad one. 
dCS Puccini Clock
I agree about Puccini beeing an outstanding player. Prolly the best single box CDP available right now. I have had it in my system on loan for 2 weeks (without the clock).A friend of mine, who owns Puccini, also reported excellent resoults with a ... 
the best CD player between 6'000 - 10'000 $ ?
I agree that the CD-7 is one of the best, if not THE best CDP you can get for under $10k. Before getting the CD-7, I have evaluated in MY system the following players:- MBL 1531- Audio Aero Capitole mk II- Audio Aero Capitole Reference- Audio Aero... 
Audio Research Ref. 210 questions
Somehow missed this thread before. Anyway - there is an easy fix to fan noise problem in Ref 110/210. Either leave them open with fans disconnected, or get some very good quality, 7dB fans from ebay for $15-20 each. 
Krell Evolution Three - reality or rumour?
I have spoken about this product with Dan D'Agostino some 18 months ago and it was in development. So it not a rumor. At the time he was thinking about going RedBook only, separate PS route. 
McIntosh MA 6500 reliability etc....
MA6500 has more power (into 4 Ohms) than 6900. It also sounds more dynamic and "in control" than the bigger brother. The 6900 uses their autorormer technology, which brings some midrange magic and HF refinement, but at an expense of dynamics. 
ARC Ref 3: Tung-Sol 6550 in power supply?
I have been using the NOS 6550 TungSol Black Plate without any single issue for the past 6 months or so, and so do my two friends.My guess is that the problem is not 6550 related.