

Responses from elberoth2

verdict on class D amps?
I bought an Calss-D amp based on the internet hype (Bel Canto evo 4 mk II), then tried ICEpower based models, but in the end, I returned to hybrid (Lamm M1.2R) and eventually, to tubes (ARC Ref 110). IMO there is no comparison.But as Try have said... 
Audio Aero and Accustic Arts
IMO Audio Aero Capitole is a great player. I owned one for almost 2 years. If you are looking for one used, look for Capitole II SE. IMO it represents the best value for money. The new Capitole Reference is not really better, and is much more expe... 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
Can anyone post pics of the upgraded CD-7 with 5881 tube installed ?C'mon, don't be lazy ! Support audio community !I have already done my part and posted images of the CD-8 ... 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
But I'm compelled to say that I am a bit underwhelmed at the layout of the PCB inside the CD8. I know that sound is the ultimate goal and I don't mean to dis your nice player. It's just that the tube analog section doesn't seem isolated from both ... 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
Anyone cares to post images of his upgraded CD-7 ? I wonder how the managed to fit the 5881 tube inside the CD-7, which has a bit different PCB layout. 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
Many people here saying CD8 is better than CD7, but how manny of them had a PS CD7 fault and don't know about it.I'm pretty sure my did not have this problem after ~ 800 hours (my came with the upgrade 6H30 board installed from the factory). Not l... 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
During the last days the CD8 has become somewhat bright, sibilants seem enhanced. I hope that after burn in the tonal balance becomes fuller again! This is the same rollercoster I expirienced whan I was breaking in my old CD-7. The sound was chang... 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
Just got the CD-8 today.Here are some inside images of the new design with 6550 tube in the PS:Inside View 1Inside View 2The DAC chipset used is 24/192kHz capable PCM1792 from Burr-Brown:Inside View 3Now I'm gonna leave the player in a repeat mode... 
dCS Puccini Clock
Clavil - I do not belive different digital cable would make much of a difference. The price I gave you does include $2000 Shunyata Anaconda Helix VX power cord. I belive the Puccini U-Clock itself is around $4000. I'm not from the US anyway, so th... 
dCS Puccini Clock
You can use whatever clock you want, as long it supports 44.1k rate. You can get a Puccini U-Clock, the older dCS Verona, one of the Esoteric offerings or even one of the studio clocks available, like the Apogee BigBen (~$1000 from ebay).Effectivn... 
dCS Puccini Clock
I have been playing with the U-Clock for the past week, but unfortunately, did not hear the difference other ppl reported. The sound may be a bit more smooth and palpable, but differences are very small at best. To give you a proper perspective - ... 
ARC Ref 3 Power Cord
I am very interested as to how you know that ARC gear is voiced using Shunyata Anaconda Helix Alpha power cords. Can you elaborate please.Stephen,I toured ARC factory back in 2007 and have talked to ppl. Both of their systems - the one in the big ... 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
AFAIK CD-8 uses the same DAC chip as CD-5. 
ARC Ref 3 Power Cord
ARC gear is voiced using Shunyata Anaconda Helix Alpha power cords. This is what I got when I bought Ref 3. I have tried several other PCs since, but still have the Anacondas. 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
Ossocao is talking about an earlier upgrade, which came preinstalled on all players sold from some point in 2007 upwards.