

Responses from elberoth2

dCS Puccini Clock
Lula,CD-8 and dCS offer very different perspective. Puccini is more transparent of the two, is more forward and has loads of details. CD-8 is much warmer sounding, with lots of texture and much better rendering of soundstage depth. When I first he... 
dCS Puccini Clock
The CD-7 was only replaced after 4 years - that is an awful lot of time for a CD player. The CD-8 is much better and so is the Puccini. No contest.FYI - the software update for the Puccini has nothing to do with sound quality. 
Matching Amp to Wilson Sophia 2
Cipherjuris,I'm using Dartzeel for now. If you haven't heard the Ref 3 with the NOS TungSol Black Plate 6550 from the 1950s in the power supply, then you haven't heard what Ref 3 is capable of. It is really transforms this preamp. 
Audio Research Tube AMP Reliability
I have been using my ARC Ref3/Ref110 combo for the past 18 monts with no problems whatsoever. Amazing stuff. 
dCS Puccini Clock
I do not agree with your theory. If dCS was "affraid" of their CD bussines, why would they offer the optional upsampling from external digital inputs feature at the first place ? The Scarlatti upsampler on the other hand, looks to me to be an afte... 
dCS Puccini Clock
Blackstonejd,I have to agree with you. I have wrongly thought, that the new "upsampling from digital inputs feature" requires additional hardware updates.Since it is only a case of software update, I think this is unfair. 
Matching Amp to Wilson Sophia 2
In my search for a new amp for my Verity Parsifals I spent a day listening to the ARC Ref. 110 with the Sophia II's. It was nice but was a bit forward in the upper mids and a little light in the base.This was mostly due to Ref 110 voicing. I used ... 
dCS Puccini Clock
Nothing wrong with having to pay for extra features that expand units functionality, IMO.If they ask you to pay for software update that fixes bugs etc - that would be another story. 
Matching Amp to Wilson Sophia 2
IMO Lamm M1.2 is way overpriced for what it offers. 
Matching Amp to Wilson Sophia 2
Pass should do the trick. X-350.5 worked fine in my setup, but my guess is that XA-60.5 should also work. 
dCS Puccini Clock
This is only for the external inputs. 
dCS Puccini Clock
I just got this info from dCS:"March 24th will see the release of v1.10 software update for Puccini Player that provides a number of enhancements to Puccini Player. All dCS distributors will be sent copies of this update disc for the Puccini users... 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
I have no bloody idea. Looks pretty standard though. IMO any would work. 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
Output caps are custom made for ARC. The thick black tape is indeed for vibration damping - the hole player is full of it, not only the caps. 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
CD-8 is based on the latest BB PCM1792 chipset.