

Responses from elberoth2

ARC Ref and tube rolling
Cmalak - unfortunately, I did not have a chance to try NOS 6550 TungSol Black Plate in the Ref 110. Those tubes are very hard to find, and are VERY expensive. Last time I checked, Tube Store was asking $500 - each ! 8 x $500 = $4000. That is way m... 
Who has heard the new ARC ref 2 phono?
Ref 3 was launched in 2004. 
ARC Ref and tube rolling
I have tried the NOS 6550 TungSol Black Plate from the 50's (not the new TungSol reissue tubes, which are crap IMO)in my Ref 3 and it was a major upgrade. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I had written abot that in detail in another thread. My... 
What Cables does ARC use at Audio Shows?
For most of the time, they use Shunyata cables. They also use them at the factory, when voicing their products. I have once seen them exhibiting with Kubala Sosna Emotion cables. 
Proceed CDD - repair or not?
Any feedback from Pinvan ? 
V-Caps for Simaudio's preamp and power amp?
If they were tubed units, I bet they would. 
Proceed CDD - repair or not?
Here it is:http://www.pinvan.com/CDMPRO/cdproducts.htmlHope it works for you ! 
Proceed CDD - repair or not?
I have heard a rumour, that this is indeed possible. You need 12.1 pickup. 
Reference Audio Mods to Meridian 508-24?
Do not need to have $17k ... sell you 508.24 and get yourself sth like ARC CD-7. Had both, ARC is much superior in all areas. The resale on ARC stuff will be much better than modified Meridian (or any modified gear for that matter). 
Shunyata ICs and speaker cables anyone?
I would agree that both Shunyata Orion spc and Antares ICs are great sounding cables. 
Meridian vs. Audio Research CD Players
A friend of mine had a very similar expirience to Luna's. He traded in his 508.24 for G08, only to sell it 4 months later. He bought another 508.24, which he finds much more involving.Personally, I have owned in the past 506.20, 508.20, 508.24, AR... 
Proceed CDD - repair or not?
A friend of mine tried to substitute the CDM-12Ind in his No.31 with the new supposedly "backwards compatible" CD-Pro2 drive, without success.My guess is that ML modified sth in those drives. 
Krell KPS20i to current RBCDP, Enough difference?
That is true - KPS-20i i a bit noisy. CD-8, MBL 1531 on the othe hand (both build around CD-Pro2LF module, are dead quiet.CD-8 and 1531 are not in the same league (sound wise) IMO. CD-7 was already better sounding than 1531 (I switched from 1531 t... 
Krell KPS20i to current RBCDP, Enough difference?
Both ARC CD-8 and MBL1531 will bring you a HUGE improvement over KPS-20i. Resolution, purity of tone, soundstaging, texture - you name it. The only area where KPS-20i is still hard to beat IMO is the bass slam.I have CD-8 and dCS Puccini in my sys... 
ordering from Michael Percy Audio
Great guy, but sometimes slow to respond.Second that.