

Responses from elberoth2

ARC LS26 versus Cary SLP-05
Now do yourself a favor, and replace the stock 6550 tube in the PS with NOS TungSol Black Plate from the 50s - the difference is not subtle ! 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
How that translates into volts ?BTW - 24h is prolly not enough. It took my CD-7 400h of continuos play to fully break-in. 
Replacing Mcintosh front glass.
The new glass is about $200-$250. It is a bit time consuming to replace one (expect 3-4 hours if you haven't done it before) but it is doable. 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
For those who haven't seen it yet, there is a pic of an topless CD-8 on stereophile web site:http://blog.stereophile.com/ces2009/audio_research_cd8/ 
Audio Physic Virgo 5s
Other AP speakers I have heard were clearly more restrained in the bass. Virgo V is not.FYI, my reference is Wilson Sophia II and Avalon Eidolon Vision. 
dCS Puccini Clock
Arthursmuck,Definately. ARC CD-7 was already an improvement over the MBL 1531, and Puccini is even better. Another player worth considering with the digital in is Accuphase DP-700 - it is smoother, not as detailed, but overall it is a very good CD... 
Audio Physic Virgo 5s
I had them in my room and found them quite booming. The bass on lean albums was ok (since there was hardly any bass audible), but on a decent bass-prominent album, it was always booming and bloated. My expirience mirrors yours. 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
From my expirience, CD-7 requires about 400h of break in time. The difference is not subtle. Since CD-8 shares basic architecture with CD-7, my guess is that it will also furhter improve. Pls keep us posted. I just sold my CD-7 and should have CD-... 
ARC Ref 3 Display
I can't tell any difference either. 
Meridian 563 16 bit dac vs 24 bit
There is a substantial difference between the 508.16 and 508.24 CDPs, and since the 563 DAC is based on 508 design, I suspect that the difference between the DACs is similar. 
Gryphon Diablo or Accuphase E-450
Get the E-550 instead. It is SO MUCH better sounding than E-450. You should be happy downsizing from Nagra (which I also know rather well). Diablo sounds distictly different from both Nagra and E-550, so be sure to try before you buy. 
Best Solid State for Avalon Isis
Email user Branimir - he went through many solid state power amps with his Isis and may offer you a valuable advice. 
ARC LS26 versus Cary SLP-05
LS-26 is a great value, and much easier to sell as well. I have tried SLP-98 in my system with Cary 500MB monos and found it too dark and muddy sounding. Interestingly, I also got large hum from the speakers (a ground loop of some sort ?) when run... 
T.H.E. Show admission
Go to your dealer. Ask for his card. Register. As an alternative - print your own. Pretty simple ;-) 
Dartzeel 108 amp driving Wilson Watt/Puppy 8
You have to try it. I have tried DarT with my Wilson Sophia II speakers and it was OK (but not great in the bass department). System 8 has a bit higher efficiency but also bit more demeanding impedance/phase curves.One thing for shure - it will so...