

Responses from elberoth2

Life after DarTZeel
Did anyone of you tried the Zeel 50-Ohm cables between the pre and pwr amp ? I'm wondering how much (if any) I'm missing using those cables vs top quality interconnects. 
Benefit of Tube Dampers/Coolers on 6H30?
The claims of major differences with 6H30 tubes are way overrated.I second that. 
Audiomeca Mephisto IIx or BAT VK-D5SE
Seems that Mephito II is no longer servicable. This is the message I got from AudiomecaƁ"Dear Sir,We do not recommend to buy this unit. Mephisto II production is over for too long. Almost 10 years already. Many spare parts are out of stock and not... 
To all Canadian residents. Hi Rez downloads
Fine a friend in the us. Ask him to pay for them with his CC. PayPal him the money back. Easy. 
Esoteric X-05 or Wadia 860
Adamg - take into consideration, that CD-3 and Esoteric are two very different sounding players. 
Upgrades for Definitive Mythos Loudspeakers
Thanks for sharing ! I will try that with mine ! 
Esoteric X-05 or Wadia 860
If you could streatch your budget to $4400, you can get an ARC CD-7. A much better player than both mentioned above IMO. Wadia 860 drive is discontinued - this is a high risk purchase. 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
Now it is a good time to get an used CD-7 IMO. S/H prices have dropped to ~$5k, even for low mileage units - I would argue that it would be difficoult to find a better player for the money.Sure, CD-8 is even better, but twice as expensive. 
Wilson Audio floor jack
BTW - for those interested, RRP on the brand new jack is $799. 
Wilson Audio floor jack
Wilson Audio floor jack
How much is it ? 
Opus 21
The drive used is DVS DSL-710A 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
Dave, you cannot make general statements like that. Ref 3 and CD-7/8 sound very different to each other, in terms of overall balance - and both are tube based, and both use 6H30 tube.There is a general consensus that the Ref 3 is a much better pre... 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
I have had a chance to listen to the CD-8 for the first time this past weekend. One thing I was affraid of was that the CD-8 will be brighter than the CD-7. It is not. It is much more transparent, but it is not brighter. It still has a lot of bloo... 
Using External Word Clock with Transporter?
Interesting. Thanks for the info !