

Responses from elberoth2

How can I use a turntable with a Krell Integrated?
The 400xi also doesn't have one. 
Wilson Sasha versus Watt Puppy 8
I'm with Kwb on this one. You should have listened to Sasha with BAT gear. It gives Sasha completely different sonic perspective than Boulder. 
Pass Labs X350 vs Mac 402 Vs Theta Enterprise vs.,
If anything, get X350.5 not X350. X350 does not sound tube like at all - it is very transparent, very detailed, but also a little bit thin. X.5 amps are much better balanced.Mc402 is a good choice. 
Buy tubes from Audio Research or not
Depends on the tubes. 
Cdp that's closely related to Audio research sonic
Ref 7 is a good cheaper alternative. 
Buy tubes from Audio Research or not
There is a reason ARC charge as much for the tubes as they do - they measure their tubes, burn them in inhouse for 48h, measure them again - and then throw away those that up to specs. As much as 30% tubes gets rejected this way. No other independ... 
Where to find Black Gate 1000uf 25V caps?
http://audiotuning.de/ still have 100uf / 50V ones. As long as they are not too big, they should fit. 
Cables for Sophia 2 and Burmester
I have had excellent results with KS Emotion cables and my Sophia II speakers. You can get them cheap on AgoN, and resell them down the road if you do not like them. They add a lot of body and texture to the music. I would start with the speaker c... 
Overseas Pay Pal, your experiences.
IMO the best way is to accept wire transfers only form int'l buyers. When the funds clear on your account, which usually takes 2-4 business days, it cannot be undone, unlike checks, paypal etc. 
Logitech Transporter Word Clock input anyone ?
The question was about playing 96kHz files through the Transporter, not U-Clock USB input. 
Atma-sphere 3.0 to 3.1
Atma - and what about the MA-1s ? Do you need all tubes to drive the Sasha, or can you take some out ? My main concern is heat issue - chance the idea of taking out some tubes. 
Amplifier Experience Gryphon Pass Lamm BAT
Mind you, the $110.000 Audio Note Ongaku amp is only on loan. I would like to consider myself sane as well :-)BTW - the output tubes are RCA, not WE. 
Atma-sphere 3.0 to 3.1
Atmasphere - sorry to hijack the thread, but since you are already posting in this thread, I thought I will ask you a question - do you think that M60 3.1 that is beeing descussed here will drive W/P Sasha in a small room ? 
Amplifier Experience Gryphon Pass Lamm BAT
It certainly isn't ... I forgot to mention that I still have Audio Note Japan Ongaku amp on loan. I was considering this amp for my Sophias, since it did many things other amps were not able to duplicate, but with Sasha 1.8Ohm impedance dip, I ser... 
Pass XA 100.5 plugged into Power Plant Premier?
Sorry, a typo - I meant the allowed deviation is +5% (% not Volts) and -10%.