

Responses from elberoth2

Pass X250.5 or the X350.5
You may go with XA-60.5 - same power as X-250.5, much cheaper than XA-100.5. 
Any DACs have the Sabre 32bit D/A Converter ??
I belive Krell and SimAudio also use his dac in their statement products. They are well over a grand though. 
Toslink to AT&T ST Conversion
You can get a Genesis Digital Lens, which is a jitter killer but will also do any conversion you may ever need (it has AT&T, RCA, AES and Tos inputs and outputs), but it is more costly solution ($400 used) and adds another box.On a positive si... 
logical steps up from DacMagic?
So you are masking one flawed component with the other. Can be done, but do not expect other ppl to praise Benchmark forwardness. There are other DACs out there that are simply better balanced.AFAIK Jeff's latest offerings are no longer Class D. 
Wilson's new speaker the Sasha is coming.
I think that what you have heard was for the most part a difference between Ayre and Mac electronics driving them. 
Paint crack Wilson Sophia 2
A friend of mine had that very issue on his Sophias. The speakers were still under warranty though, and he got a brand new pair of Sophias, with no question asked. The warranty on Wilson speakers is 5 years, so check out if your pair is still unde... 
How can I use a turntable with a Krell Integrated?
Great ! IMO S300i is one of the biggest bargains right now in the hi-end audio. Reviews just do not do it justice. 
logical steps up from DacMagic?
I simply trust MC opinion more, since I've been following his reviews for the past 20 years. I owned/heard many components he reviewed and most of the time his assesments reflected my impressions. I also share his opinions on Class D amps - I have... 
logical steps up from DacMagic?
With all due respect, but noone at abouthifi has the experience, expertise and reputation Martin Colloms of HiFi Critic has. 
logical steps up from DacMagic?
A friend of mine went from DacMagic to MF V-Dac. He is very happy. Even though V-DAC is an inexpensive DAC, HiFi Critic rated it much higher than both DacMagic and Benchmark DAC1. 
Anyone with a Krell KAV-250a that could help?
This is correct - 2-1-2 setting is for 110V. 
Pass labs X350.5 jumpers and Power cables
$90 for a pair is well worth it IMO. You will loose much more than $90 in resale if you list the amp as 7/10, instead of 9/10 (after replacing the handles). 
Pass labs X350.5 jumpers and Power cables
Easy to replace I'm sure but at what cost.Are you sure you need a complete faceplate ? The 'faceplate' consists of 3 separate parts - the actual faceplate, left 'handle' and right 'handle'. Maybe it is enough to replace just one of them, or both -... 
Cdp that's closely related to Audio research sonic
Then CD3 II is the ticked. Its very smooth sounding, with lots of texture. Can be found for as little as $2100-$2200 used. 
Pass labs X350.5 jumpers and Power cables
Desalvo55 - I'm sure you can get a new face plate (or just the handles - depending on what is scratched) from Pass Labs. Replacing them is not difficoult at all. If the amp was rated 9/10 cosmetic coindition, I would seek compensation from the sel...