

Responses from elberoth2

Wilson Audio's New Sound?
I was one Wilson hater myslef. That was before I heard the Maxx, and then the Sophia 1 and X-2, whcih to my ears represent the 'new sound' era for Wilson Audio. Right now I own ... Sophia II and I'm in love with them. So much in fact that I have o... 
Got any wonderful but unlikely pairings?
I had driven my Avalon Eidolon Vision speakers with 300W based, 16WPC SET amp from Ancient Audio in a 14x19 room. That was, by far, the best sound I have ever heard. 
Krell or Plinius?
I was thinking about the new S300i, although i dont like the design and build quality comparing to 400xi. Did you have a chance to audition one or compare to 400xi? I think there is at least one member here on audiogon that changed his 400xi for s... 
Krell or Plinius?
400xi is very synergistic with Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand, or other Vienna Acoustics speakers for that matter. It is one of those combinations 'that work'.However, if you want to have best of both worlds (400xi and Plinius) I would suggest geti... 
Musical Fidelity Tri Vista SACD
Need to get sth with a CD-Pro2 drive. This one is very reliable and is likely to be supported for years to come. A good drive doesn't mean that sth else within the CDP may brake down - as is the case with your Capitole. Personally, I have upgraded... 
Best cdp with integrated preamp and remote?
I second GNSC modified Opus 21. 
Krell's new direct i-pod connection.
No, actually Martin had stated that quite clearly in his evo 402 review, that he prefered his old FPB-700cx. Both were roughly the same price. 
Krell's new direct i-pod connection.
There is a new S300i review, written by Martin Colloms, in the latest issue of HIFICRITIC, which a a advert-free mag.It is a 3 pages long, so I will just quote the conclusion:"Add to that a class leading sound quality, with a focused, muscular del... 
Musical Fidelity Tri Vista SACD
Anyone can take a Phillips drive out of about a million obsolete computers and put one in a MF CD player.Unfortunately, that is not possible. This is niether a popular Philips CD drive, nor a DVD-rom drive. This is a dedicated Philips SACD drive.T... 
Musical Fidelity Tri Vista SACD
Drjohn - I'm afraid, the only solution is to sell your player for parts. The Philips drive mechanism used in TriVista (and also kw SACD) is no longer beeing made, and no longer available. Krell had run into the same problem with their SACD Standar... 
looking for a Bias procedure for an ARC Ref110
Laurent - I do not have the Ref110 anymore, but from memory, each of those trims takes care of a respective tube pair. So you need to adjust 4 of them to get all 8 tubes right. The 4 input tubes have no bias adjust. You need a multimeter to adjust... 
dCS Scarlatti vs Wadia 931+921
Owned :-) 
Meridian 808.2 CD Player......
Garebear - dCS in the past had many reliability problems with the Philips SACD transport they were using. They were not alone - many great hi-end companies that used the same drive had identical problems.This is why all their latest offerings (Puc... 
Krell's new direct i-pod connection.
I know, I have read your posts, in this and other threads, and continue to be amazed by your experience. To my ears, S300i sounds fuller and more natural in the all important midrange. Somehow, it reminded me of a Mac MA6900. It seems that I'm not... 
Krell's new direct i-pod connection.
I do not agreee that S300i is calder sounding than 400xi. Quite on the contrary. To my ears, S300i has muh more texture and sounds warmer and more natural than 400xi. I have never experienced problems with noise or the amp 'freeze' you are describ...