

Responses from elberoth2

I would add Oppo/Lexicon and Goldmund/Pioneer to that list. 
Krell S-300i voltage ...?
You need to upload a new software via RS232 port at the back. Krells are frequency locked and will only work at a given AC frequency. US is 60Hz, EU is 50Hz. 
AQ Kilimanjaro on...
It depends. 
Audio Research REF 3 and REF 5 Tweaks
Putting 1950's TungSol Black Plate 6550 was a big step up for my Ref-3. 
Reliable Used int. amp for $1200? Plinius? Classe?
Classe 151 fits your bill. Not to heavy and quite compact in size, quite powerful, reliable and def on the warm side. 
Current production "budget" warm/dark SS amp?
Plinius and MBL are on the warm side. 
Adam Audio of Germany
Adam is a great company, making great products. I have heard several of their models at various shows here in Europe, and they all sounded very impressive. All the reviews I have read were very positive as well. They offer both Active and Passive ... 
i Have owed Krell FPB600 for about 7 years est.
I used to have a FPB600, and because of my relocation to another country where voltage is 220v, instead of 120v, I had to reluctantly sell it.You should have contacted Krell. There is a 100/120/220/240V AC voltage switch inside the amp. 
Krell FPB600 balanced / unbalanced change
Take a look at this image:http://www.enjoythemusic.com/superioraudio/equipment/0210/pass_labs_XA305.htm 
Is Krell onto something?
Krell just got awarded the prestigous EISA Award for the S-1200u/S-1500 combo.Audio & Home Theater Awards 2010-2011 | EISA - The European Imaging and Sound Association 
Anyone hear the new Krell S350 cd player?
Yeah, me too. 
Thiel 3.7 vs Wilson Sasha
Actuary616,To my ears 3.7s sound a bit uninvolving - a bit flat and just not sophisticated enough in HF ... but to each his own. They are a good buy at $13k, no doubt. At $30k ... not so much (Borat voice) ;-)Richard - thank you ! 
Thiel 3.7 vs Wilson Sasha
Actuary616 - as Audiofreakgeek has mentioned, you cannot compare two speakers in two different systems. This is really pointless, esp. when the associated amps sound as different as Ayre and Bryston combos ! I'm not really surprised by what you ha... 
120/240 V amp question
Power amp or integrated ? 
Wilson Sophia 3
Say for those people that live in China, France or Southeast Asia. I guess, in short, they will have to live with those cracks. It is expensive to be shipping back speakers of this size to Provo Utah for repairs.AFAIK the so called 'repair' (which...