

Responses from elberoth2

DCS Puccini into Lamm M 1.2 w/o preamp?
My system profile is not up to date for some time now - I sold all ARC gear I had a while back, and now I'm running dcs Puccini direct to one of the 3 amps I have on hand: Nagra VPA, Dartzeel and Pass XA-30.5. And yes, XA-30.5 has enough current t... 
Amplifier Experience Gryphon Pass Lamm BAT
I think that Gryphon does not offer the kind of sound you are looking for. Antileon amps are also very problematic, so I would rather avoid them. I have had Lamm M1.2R, now I have Pass XA-.5 ... personally, I would go with Pass amps. 
Wilson Sasha's - All evolution in Wilsons are.....
Got my Sashas last week ... still haven't got a chance to listen to them, since I sold my speaker cables and now I'm waiting for a new set, LOL. My amps are Nagra VPA, Pass XA-30.5 and Dartzeel. I also still have the Sophia II speakers, so will be... 
Anyone solved MF Tri Vista SACD problems?
Those parts are long time gone. MF is not the only one left with this problem. I read on the british forums, that in the UK they are offering a huge (up to 50%) discounts on their current products for customers beeing stuck with their SACD players... 
Pass XA 100.5 plugged into Power Plant Premier?
Electrical norm says that the voltage maximum deviation should not exceed +5V or -10V, so everything between 198V and 232V is still within the specs. You will be fine running your Pass from 210V mains on 220V setting. It may be short of 5W of its ... 
krell kav300
Sure it is ... find one under $1000 and call it a day. 
DCS Puccini into Lamm M 1.2 w/o preamp?
Mluding - I'm also running Puccini direct to my Pass XA-30.5 now.FYI - I sold my 3-months old Lamms M1.2 for 14k euro 3 years back ... so the price you mentioned is really VERY high. 
Audio Aero Capitole SE upgrade problem: Need Help
The CD turntable is a separate part - it may be changed if it breaks. It is also possible, that they had to change the complete drive mechanism - chence the new puck. 
Audio Aero Capitole SE upgrade problem: Need Help
They changed the puck design some years back. You need to ask them for a new puck that fits the new CD turntable. 
Changing 110V to 240V for Simaudio P5.3
From what I can see from the images present on the Sim web site, there are jumpers next to IEC socket. 
BAT VK-52SE VS Audio Research Ref 3
I second Jmcgrogan2 opinion. I went from 51SE to Ref-3, and couldn't be happier. I found 51SE to be dark and unresolving, with poor micodynamics. 
Best 3 tube preamps under $18000?
If I were shopping in that price range, I would seriously consider ARC Ref-5, Atmasphere MP-1 and Wavac PR-T1 (used).I'm sure there are other great tube preamps though. 
Wilson Audio's New Sound?
Nobody use Sasha xith Pass XA??? I should be getting my Sashas tomorrow, and have (among others) Pass XA30.5. I will report back in 2 weeks or so, when the new speakers break in. 
DCS Puccini into Lamm M 1.2 w/o preamp?
I agree with Anupmc. Puccini direct outperformed my Ref-3. The Ref-3 added some nice colorations, but when I compared Puccini vs Ref-3 on some piano passages and some old, Baroque instruments (viola da gamba etc), I concluded that those are just w... 
20 amp to 15 amp IEC Adapters
Shunyata also makes one.