

Responses from elberoth2

Thiel CS3.7 vs WP8?
I have a friend who have had 3.7s ... been driving them with ARC Ref 210. He heard the Wilson Sophia II at my place, liked them a lot, so borrowed a pair from a dealer and eventually, ended up getting W/P 8s. To his ears, even the cheaper Sophia I... 
MHDT Constantine vs. MF V-DAC, Beresford 7520?
Does the 12v sealed lead acid battery you mntioned bring a marked improvement over the wall wart PS that comes with the V-DAC ? 
Should I trade-up from my Krell KAV 300?
Or better still - high sensivity speakers with a SET amp. Such a combo offers much different sonic perspective, but at a cost. 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
Just picked up 2010 Audi S5 V8 as my new daily driver. My previous 2002 A4 served me well for 8 years, so the S5 is gonna stay for years to come. My wife drives 2006 MB E-class, which serves double duty as our family car.S5 - sexy, sexy, sexy and ... 
ARC REF 3 20 amp to 15 amp power cord adapter
Shunyata also makes a very good one. 
Should I trade-up from my Krell KAV 300?
Completely from memory, I believe the toroid in the 400xi is very slightly larger than the S300i (800va vs 750va or something like that.) I have double checked, and found out that transformer sizes/ratings are as follows:KAV-300i - 450VA/13cm Pic ... 
Should I trade-up from my Krell KAV 300?
On paper, 400xi may look more attractive, I agree. But if you put them side by side - S-300i is much bigger, much heavier, the power transformer itself is bigger in size. I wouldn't be surprised if the S-300i turned out to be the one with greater ... 
Should I trade-up from my Krell KAV 300?
IMO you should consider Krell S-300i instead of 400xi, esp with Thiels. S-300i has more resolution, more texture, and is significantly warmer sounding. 
Good speakers with a Creek Evolution 2 Amp + CD?
I have heard Creek many times with EPOS speakers. It always sounded seriously good. Worth checking out IMO. 
Dartzeel NHB-508, Any Price Info Yet?
Is that a mono amp ? 
Alternative Choice for McIntosh MA6900
IMO Creek Desting is worth auditioning @ $1700 and so is ... Krell S300i @$2500. The later sounds very different to the popular 400xi. In fact, when I first heard it in my system, it reminded me my old MA6900. That was my first sonic association. 
Scotch? No thanks. Whats the best Vodka.?
1. Belvedere2. Chopin3. Debowa 
How to upgrade Theta Data Basic CD Transport
Buy a Data Basic with AES/EBU output from the classifieds. Move over the wiring and the connector (basic soldering skills needed) to your Data Basic, and resell the other one. In any case, I can sell you a nonworking Data Basic I (transport mechan... 
Review: Pass Labs XA60.5 monobloks Amplifier
Teajay, I just bought a s/h 30.5 to evaluate it in the context of my system. So far, no transistor amp I have tried (and I owned such an exotic amps as Lamm M1.2 Reference among others) could match the microdynamics and sonic purity of a good SET ... 
Review: Pass Labs XA60.5 monobloks Amplifier
Teajay,I wonder how do 60.5s handle microdynamics. I have had X-350.5, and although it was a nice sounding amp, what finally made me sell it, was the fact that it was just dead microdynamics wise.