

Responses from driver

Sepakers -vr5's or something along the 4-7k range
Yeah, I even thought about the HSE 5's but the deciding factor for me was the bass. Maybe talk with Albert himself & get his input. 
Sepakers -vr5's or something along the 4-7k range
Hi KP. I think you'd be really happy with the mods to your 4's. I have the Gen III's & they were recommended to me over the 5's. Everything I've heard about the upgraded 4's has been positive & I'm sure someone will comment directly. 
Bi-wire Clarification
Have you tried all the Audiogon archives? You click on Discussion Forums under Learn (on the home page), then type in bi-wire in the search archives box & there are 174 threads to read. You can also type in speaker cables & get 500 threads... 
What pets hang out with Audiophiles?
I have a cat & a dog & the cat likes to curl up in the room when I play the stereo & it doesn't matter what the volume is. The dog usually gets up & leaves when the music starts.Personality wise, the cat is aloof. In fact the neigh... 
My highest praise - for Audiogon
I've enjoyed the pseudo repartee & I'd have to say it's much more civil than any BBS I've ever been too. That in itself makes Audiogon a joy to visit.As for what I do, it's a reflection of my moniker. 
My highest praise - for Audiogon
Moot point Trelja, about OT. Perhaps I should have said the final buzzer but you undoubtedly are able to comprehend based on your comments. Speaking of comments, how about Believe me, if I ever come across the person who did this, I am still mad e... 
My highest praise - for Audiogon
How silly of me to suggest a sports game wasn't over at the buzzer. It might really be true that the outcome is decided by armchair quarterbacks. Yep, state of the art timers & photo finishes are just for show. Take ebay for what it is & l... 
Best used 500 1m XLR interconnects
Just for clarification, Luminous Audio Synchestra Signature IC cables are copper. The Synchestra IC's are silver, as are the Synchestra speaker cables. New the Synchestra Sigs are $549.00 1m XLR.As for silver cables, regardless if I used at IC or ... 
Best used 500 1m XLR interconnects
I have all SS & voiced it for digital playback only and also cannot stand brightness at all. I tried HT Pro Silways to the CD & found them to be a bit bright. I have settled on Luminous Audio Synchestra Sigs to the amp (XLR) & RCA's to... 
My highest praise - for Audiogon
Yes, A-gon is a very nice site & the auction feature is more than fair. Like anything else, you have to use common sense when making any deal. I want to point out that not just for the NCAA championship & the Superbowl, but for all games, ... 
What companies have gone above and beyond?
I'd also like to add Virtual Dynamics to my list, which I hastily sent in before. I had a huge problem, I mean HUGE, but Rick & Brett up there took care of it.I also just received a power cord for my Pass pre amp from Peter Perkins at Pass Lab... 
What companies have gone above and beyond?
I've had extremely good service dealing with Pass Labs. Also would like to mention Luminous Audio but since I'm only about 10 minutes away & knew Tim before he started, it's hard to be objective. Still, I had a minor problem & he took care... 
Question regarding power cord upgrade
I have a 506.24 with the same IEC configuration. I made a ChrisV DIY PC recipe #3 substituting Furutech ends because of their superior gripping ability since there are only two prongs to connect the PC to. 
What is the best Beatle Song
My one time favorite was "Paperback Writer" as I played it on an 8 track every time I drove my Camaro to English Lit for a whole year. Every time I hear it I'm transported back there.Hard to pick a favorite today but I'll go with "Think For Yourself" 
Kimber pelican cases
It all depends on how tightly you want to coil the cables. Here's the link with all the info: http://www.pelican.com/main.htm