

Responses from driver

Albertporter only needs 50
Just received mine out here in VA (Tues 26th). They look great & a super packing job. I have an electrician coming tomorrow to install some dedicated lines & will put these into service.Thank-you very much for all your efforts Albert! I'll... 
Senior Audiophiles - Audiophile since the 60-70's?
Like many others, I would not trade my current system for any I had before. Even though I started listening to the Beatles when we lived in Germany before they came to the states, my favorite time frame is from '67-'77. I started high school in '6... 
Any experience with the Pass Labs Aleph 5???
One of the best amps I had, especially in the midrange. I had it paired with an Aleph P & it was magical on female vocals & jazz. It didn't work like I wanted it to on rock so I sold it, but for anything else it's hard to beat.As far as th... 
Where are you at on the curve?...
I'm like, in the middle of a high speed maneuver with my foot firmly on the floor. The faster I go the better it feels but I have no idea how long I can keep at this pace before I lose control. It's been a fun ride but since I'm thinking about it ... 
Anyone heard any new Von Schweikert speakers?
I've had a pair of VR4 Gen III's since March & posted a review here. I'll put the link in but if you want to search for other reviews here, just go to the right side of the home page (Site Map) & under Learn, there is a link to Product Rev... 
Best used speakers around 500 for clasic rock
A set of the older style Infinity Kappa's or RS series will rock your house. I can't comment on the newer Kappa version (.1 stuff). I had a set of Kappa 8's hooked to a set of Adcom 565's & put that system together strictly for rock.There's a ... 
What's your favorite speaker finish?
Black is my favorite and if anybody has ever owned a custom painted black Harley, you understand the affinity. Every single piece I own is black and the wood accents/racks are light. (oak, maple) Of course, having VR4 Gen III's helps contribute to... 
What do you currently own that was bought on 'Gon?
Ayre V-3Ayre V-5(which is becoming a 5x)Meridian 508.20All PC'sCreek headphone ampBought my speakers, spkr. cables & IC's from my dealer. 
What component have you changed out the most?
Amps over CDP, 5 to 3 in the last 3 years. Cables, 30+ 
Why Put Up With "Wife Approval Factor"?
Hey, I only bought $5,000.00 speakers & drive a 1984 Honda Civic!!! Really!!! Well, the speakers list for almost that (4750.00) but I paid less. I actually like driving the beater around because nobody messes with it. The wife bought a new car... 
Albertporter only needs 50
Very cool. Count me in for 3. Thanks! 
Pain in my butt
Sorry to hear of your problems & wish you the best of luck. Hope you can get off those pain killers too.A good friend of mine & I were involved in a very bad accident in 1980. Lots of broken bones, internal injuries, etc. After 4 years of ... 
Collection of buzzwords decribing sound character?
To expound on affordable-how about "Priced to Sell" Yowsers, what advertising genius came up with that one? 
Audiogoners Anonymous?
So, which of you gets some perverse satisfaction from being the first to post a reply to a new thread? I've only done it a few times. (BWAAhahahahaha!) My whole family can just casually glance over at the computer & see what I'm doing & th... 
What companies have gone above and beyond?
Time to add another name to the list. I just received a replacement top cover for my Meridian 508.20 from Meridian & you would've thought they packed a CDP! Double boxed, metal part in a heavy plastic bag, plexiglass top in a separate foam wra...