

Responses from driver

making your own power cord
Better than stock, at least. How similar? Depends on what you're comparing it to & of course the associated gear. These are easy to make:http://www.venhaus1.com/diymains.html 
Review: Von Schweikert Audio VR4 Gen III Speaker
Patrick, when you remove the top module, take a big screwdriver & tighten up the screws in the wooden spacer that sits on the woofer module. The ones on mine were a bit loose.Also, I have some left over pieces, so if you don't have any (or don... 
Busted Phillips Screws
If the screws are countersunk then I think the best method is the one mentioned by Chichiuno. Most of the other methods involve some type of impact onto the speaker cabinet, which is not good. A high quality easy out still needs to be given a good... 
How many components annually?
This was a big year for me as I completely redid my system. Really it took 2 years & I went through 3 sets of speakers, 3 amps, 2 pre amps, 4 CDP's, 4 sets speaker cables, 14 or 15 sets of IC's & another 13 or 14 PC's. Not including the HT... 
SEPT 11?
I'll attend a special service at my church Wed. evening.Ironically, the morning of 9/11, we were getting ready for a funeral for our good friend's father. At the gravesite service I just kept thinking how many times this scenario would be repeatin... 
Does anyone actually rackmount ?????
I think it's just a take-off on the pro audio look. There's a good reason why pro-audio is mounted this way.Possibly the designers thought it would make the equipment look, uh, more like audio gear? 
Are we music lovers or gear lovers?
FYI, AA has a music forum. Check it out here:http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/music/bbs.html 
I wanna hear some "audio" jokes...and
Sean, you were too nice. I just walked on stage & turned it down for them. If they turned it back up I would indeed turn them off at the board. 
What percentage do you spend on each component?
I never used a percentage to base a purchase on, rather just bought what I liked. Well, that & how much money I had.Speakers---25%Amp--------21%CDP--------19% (includes $600.00 mod)pre--------18%cables-----16%cassette---<1% 
Where does your user name come from?
It was an easy pick for me & covers a lot of area. I drive a tractor trailer & it's standard business practice to call the truck driver "driver". Also I thought driver would help identify with audio as it is one of the essential components... 
Antenna recomendation
I had the ST-2 & sold it in favor of a $14.99 radio shack # 15-2164. I used both antenna's for my garage system which is a vintage receiver & there was no difference in range. 
How hot is hot enough?
I use a soldering station with an adjustable setting & usually set around 750. I like using Cardas solder as it flows nicely but those are just my personal preferences.I would suggest experimenting with different solder types on various wire/t... 
Would a Pass Aleph 5 be able to drive Thiel 3.5 ?
I would think the 5 would be up to the task as I had a 4B ST & replaced it with a 5. I had more efficient speakers than you do but on a comparative level the 5 did everything the 4B ST did in terms of adequate volume but much more musical. I s... 
Review: Unity Audio Signature 3 ED Speaker
I too had a pair of Sig I's. They were factory modified to accept bi-wire. I traded them in on some VR4 Gen III's earlier this year. Garebear, I don't know if my dealer still has them but if you're really interested I'll send you his contact info. 
The best way to design an audio system.
Before I began putting together a high-end system I ran pro sound for a rock band & got a good education in the basics. A lot of them carry over to home audio & the biggest culprit is AC. It's amazing how much noise one dimmer switch can p...