

Responses from driver

Stinkin' Meridian "System Remote"
My Meridian 508.20 came with the big system remote AND a much smaller CD only remote. You could try asking Meridian if they have any? (404) 344-7111 
What should I do to improve my digital sound?
I had a 506.24 & sold it for a 508.20 because it had the older transport & balanced outs. Your 506.20 should have the older transport & should have a pretty smooth sound. Meridians are known for a more "laid back" sound but I have twea... 
Power cord for Meridian 508.24 CD player?
I have a 508.20, however, it's been modified w/Blackgates & Schottky's. I settled on a TG Audio 688 after trying the SLVR, only because the SLVR was a tad bit bright for me. So, I second TG Audio cables.As for the differences between a good af... 
Do you leave your SS amp on all the time?
The amp is always on, as well as all the other gear. I think the stand by feature is great for this if you have one. Otherwise, I wouldn't worry about it. My pre doesn't even have an On/Off switch. 
Magnapan vs. Von Schweikert
I have a set of VR4 Gen III's & if you want bass down to 20Hz these will do the job. I understand the SE goes down to 16. I put some Soler points on them & that tightened up the bass & even cleaned up the highs some. I'm using an Ayre ... 
Where are you? Do you know what your FM is doing?
Richmond, VA. The same stuff they were playing ten years ago. OK, maybe not quite that bad but bad enough. That plus it's heavily commercialized. No tuner on the main rig. Receiver in the garage for background noise. I have a steering wheel tuner ... 
would this Deter you from buying used gear????
I would not buy any audio gear (or similar high quality goods) which had been marked. The best thing you can do is get a good insurance company that will cover your gear at replacement cost. Figure if somebody steals your stuff, they're not going ... 
Men & Women & Bass
Yeah, I saw that explosion thing on a sci-fi movie. Cool!!!Don't have a clue about the bass thing but I don't live too far from a switching yard (railroad) and sometimes the diesels sit & idle. It's the most irritating low frequency sound I've... 
Pass Labs Service
I've dealt with Peter Perkins on several occasions & he always returns questions quickly. I had my Aleph P completely rebuilt & then experienced some weird problems with it. Pass rebuilt the power supply & upgraded the transformer at n... 
What preamp for my Shahinians?
Have to agree with Jond. 6k would get you some great gear. Years ago I auditioned a Cary pre & the salesman had it hooked to some Cary amps. When he came back in the room after awhile & asked me how it sounded I told him it was fantastic b... 
Three days until Christmas
It's been a great year & I too wish the A-gon family all the best!As to the second part, less than an hour ago I was given an unexpected HT demo at my dealer. If the same Monitor Audio/Bryston/projector & screen(?) were left under the tree... 
And What Did You Get Your Wife For Christmas?
I bought a pearl necklace for my wife but before that I paid off all my debts a few months ago. That was the best gift as now all audio purchases have no strings attached. 
Upgrade Suggestions
If you haven't already upgraded your AC to dedicated lines, that would be an excellent place to make an upgrade. You can also experiment w/PC's & outlets. Tune your room too & spend the rest of your budget on music. 
Power Cord Stress
I have a wood rack & screwed a small plastic telephone cable clamp directly above the IEC jack & used a shoestring w/two half hitches & tied up the IEC ends of the PC's. That holds the biggest PC in place.I recently purchased the 688 P... 
1st song you remember???
Since my mom dropped me on my head when I was a toddler & I had a fever of 105, my memory is very foggy as a little one. I remember sitting in our 1960 Dodge in the Bamberger's parking lot in New Jersey watching heat lighting & "Downtown" ...