

Responses from driver

HELP Federal Express broke it and WON'T PAY
The standard drill is to file a claim in court against them. As for a receipt, can you print out a copy of the transaction? Or just find the item listed on the manufacturers website to prove value or get the manufacturer to send you something to t... 
Audiogon Hall of Fame? And the nominees are...
A most insightful & thoughtful reply Ben. Well said. 
How often do you upgrade your other passions?
I'd have to say I've done more audio upgrades than anything. I was using my 21 year old Canon F-1 today & realized the camera system has stayed the same for a good 7 or 8 years. I was taking photos of my audio system for an insurance upgrade. ... 
CD technical operation
Someone posted this a few days ago somewhere. It's a start anyway. http://www.eng.warwick.ac.uk/~espbc/courses/undergrad/lecture_6.htm 
Speaker break in?
My experience with a new set of speakers was similar. My VR4 Gen III's were unlistenable when first played. I followed the manufacturer's recommended break-in of 100 hours of LOUD music & now 5 months later they sound fantastic. Interestingly ... 
Manners, Eticks & Audiogon --- What do you think???
I guess some people think they have to embellish (#1) to sell something. Seems like you discovered with the back & forth attempted communication that this guy (#2)wasn't worth dealing with.Time & time again I've commented, as have others, ... 
Top This
"I won't get to get what I'm afterTill the day I die" 
Meridian 508.20, upgrade or add dac
Another way to go is have your .20 modified with Blackgates & Schottky's. If you like the sound of the .20 and want to extract all it's capable of this is an option. Of course the best thing to do would be audition the .20 & .24 together b... 
Ever wonder why things are screwed up?
I just rode a train at an historic site & the spiel the conductor told was the Roman Chariot tale. It's more entertaining than the other version. 
Why is Shahinian not more popular
I listened to a set of Obelisks back in the late 70's and the next day ordered a set of the box, as I couldn't afford the Obelisks. I enjoyed those fine speakers for several years before upgrading to large floorstanders but should have kept them f... 
Equipment reviews, are they credible?
I agree, a listing of reviews would be most helpful. In fact, if you wanted to search out a particular piece, how would you go about it? I was just looking at some of the reviews & when I tried to do a search for them I came up empty. 
What do you think about this idea for the FORUMS??
I agree it would be useful to *see* where the other person is coming from regarding discussions, etc. KP, what I do if I want to tag a thread that I haven't posted to is put it in my favorites. My audio section of favs has over 200 links. For exam... 
bad experiences buying on line
Call him on the phone & ask for the item or your money back today. A month is more than enough. Also, contact Audiogon to make them aware of this seller's behavior. If he has a history of this type of behavior they can deal with him. 
Tubelike solid state: Ayre Vs Aleph
I also run a Pass Aleph P & am using an Ayre V-3 with VR4 Gen III's. I also ran an Aleph 5 before the V-3 & the only reason I sold it was because it didn't sound right when playing rock. I didn't have the VR's at that time so it's hard to ... 
Ever wonder why things are screwed up?
That was good, thanks. I guess those early chariot drivers had those bumper stickers that said, "As a matter of fact, I do own the road."