

Responses from driver

Unbelievable Indeed
You've just blown an opportunity to make some big money selling audiophile quality outlet covers by posting the information here. You could have had tuned dual and quad covers specifically aligned for many of the current (pun) outlets available. Y... 
Held up in customs
I had a package held up going >>TO<< Canada for, get this, TWO MONTHS!!! Shipping was via USPS & in fact I'd shipped to the same place a few times before. Something to do with the value. Customs can do anything they want. 
Luminous Audio Synchestra Sig. vs. AZ Silver Ref?
Well since Tubegroover already offered to take out the trash I can't jump in but what I'd suggest is send the IC's back to Tim with details on their performance because maybe there's a defect. With my RCA pair there was a problem which he immediat... 
Just a note of thanks
It's pretty cool to say that. I've both agreed & disagreed with you here & over at AA & sometimes emotions play a large part of the story.Last time I was in Miami I had some Cuban coffee & drove for 800 miles without stopping. Not ... 
Sellers adding for PayPal use is plainly BS
I read not that long ago about similar charges being passed on to consumers from retailers using credit cards. If I remember correctly this is illegal? If I'm mistaken surely somebody will supply the correct information.Anyway, I think the point E... 
Any audio shops in Vegas that shouldn't be missed?
I was only in there one time with my brother & whoever the salesman was, he treated me very well. He played a CD that was either homemade or a customer made for them & it was great. I asked about getting a copy it was so good & that's ... 
Want speakers for 700 but none sound good.
right at the top of your budget. You might be able to get some other used or demo models in your price range but I would still try & audition them. 
Luminous Synchestra Signature, How good are they??
Best cables I've owned. A set of RCA's from the CD & XLR's to the amp. Also using Renaissance speaker cables in a true bi-wire configuration. I've got all the highs & lows I ever wanted using VR4 Gen III's. 
Help Me Get Out Of The Dark Ages
Since you already have a Rega piece (that I take you like) maybe you can go listen to some Rega speakers, provided they're available for audition. His speakers may be one of the best kept secrets in audio right now. 
Want speakers for 700 but none sound good.
If you're able to audition a set of Rega speakers I think you'll be impressed. I was recently at a dealers & was just playing with some of the equipment & was surprised at how good these little speakers sounded. 
Cheap packing material
In the Yellow Pages under Packing Materials you will find the best deals for supplies-as compared to the places you mentioned. Unless otherwise stated they all have city counters & will sell to you. The downside is sometimes the minimum purcha... 
Stay away from UPS. Never use UPS.
You stated: "No wonder why you guys/gals can't get your systems together. You don't even know how to ship a LP."How did the thread about a damaged LP turn into a flame about everybody's system? Sometimes the packing here on A-gon from individuals ... 
Stay away from UPS. Never use UPS.
received a small metal folding table today to put next to my grill. It was in a cardboard box & what looked like a used one at that. No other packing materials (plastic bag doesn't count). This is from the manufacturer. I'm lucky it was only b... 
WEL -- Wife Equivalent Language
Well, being that my wife is a scientist (at least that's her job description) we are extremely technical about these terms. So let me try & be as accurate as possible. I first must preface my system by saying there is only one blue LED on at a... 
how many have a WAF?
I've been married, most of the time happily, for 15 years. Two children, a dog & a cat. I wouldn't have it any other way. Before I was married there was something missing that couldn't be replaced with hot rods, Harleys, all night partying, et...