

Responses from driver

Serious scare over hearing loss
Seems like when you least expect it, something comes up like that. Good thing you were able to solve & correct the problem before lasting damage occurred.Just want to add something about taking care of ones hearing. I injured my ears many year... 
My first and last DIY project
Impressive! Yeah, something about that 17". I'm there too with my speakers! 
cornfedboy, signing off
Appreciated your responses to varied subjects as it added to the thread. Don't work too hard-this I can state with great authority! Good luck. 
Nothing new under the sun?
I only recently have subscribed to an audio magazine & that's because my subscription to the Science Fiction rag I had ran out & I was looking for something else. I only have one subscription at a time. Period. Oh, my wife has some but it'... 
Best way to compare amps?
I would suggest listen to them for a couple of weeks ea. minimum because you have to both let it run in with your system & also audition under varying circumstances which include different times of the day. Also you might want to experiment wi... 
New thread about FedEX
I called FedX ground earlier today to get some directions to their facility which is about 10 miles from me & had to have the young lady explain the directions 3 times to me. Maybe it's because I couldn't understand her accent, maybe she could... 
Are You Happy?
sit on my hands to keep from waving at everybody! 
Virtual Dynamics Interconnects. Any experience?
Very smooth yet detailed IC. Comes with locking RCA. They are stiff but can be easily bent, meaning they hold their shape once you adjust them. 
Can use a opinion on Stealth - CWS interconects...
Very well made cable with some of the best manufacturer support/advise you can get. Serguei will answer any question & help you with system problems. I was in my "cable phase" when I had Stealth cables & have no complaints whatsoever, just... 
Any feedback on Von Schweikert VR4Gen.III
I took delivery of my VR4 Gen III's just 3 weeks ago & have been trying to burn them in. Sad to say I only have about 20 hours of hard break in time on them but the manual recommends 100 hours of LOUD VOLUME run in. My dealer said his display ... 
alternate method of bi-wiring
Paul, You can keep your current cables & just use one of the speaker sets of terminations-just tape off the other set so they don't short out on anything. Then you can buy another set of cables and have a true bi-wire set up. From this you can... 
alternate method of bi-wiring
Here's the way I know it.Single bi-wire: Each stereo set has two cables. Each cable has one + and one - termination at the amp end and two +'s and two -'s at the speaker end.True bi-wire: This is a standard stereo pair of speaker cables X two. Two... 
Are cracked speaker cabinets repairable?
If you're comfortable with taking the speaker apart then I say go for it because you'll want to make sure the repair fills the entire crack. You may want to contact Spendor to see what they recommend that's compatible.I am not a furniture repairma... 
How long do you keep a component?
Two weeks to nine years. I tried more cables than anything 'cause it's the easiest. Next in line are amps, no wait, make that CD players, then amps, then preamps then speakers. 
Average age of audiophiles
Like a lot of you I had my first system while in high school-1971 at age 16. I also had the great fortune of running sound for a band in the late 70's. Talk about the ultimate stereo-it sounded like live musicians on stage. Oh yeah, it was. I just...