

Responses from driver

Need Suggestions on CD Player under 1k
The Meridian 506.24 is a 2k player that I bought for 1k. It can now be had for even less. You'd be hard pressed to find a more musical & dependable player than a Meridian for under 1k. Phild, what are your picks? 
Need Suggestions on CD Player under 1k
Meridian 506.24 
Which SS preamps will compete w/ tubes?
I sold a Cary tube pre in favor of a Pass Aleph P & haven't looked back. Lower noise floor, better imaging & most importantly, more musical. No "tube like" sounds for me, just "musical" sounds.I was sold on the idea of running a tube pre w... 
Servicing Vintage Equipment
Everything with Bob went fine & I can recommend him without hesitation. 
Ear Plug/Hearing Protection Poll
I also wear plugs as the above posters stated but also wear them while using power tools. Sometimes in my travels I wear them to fall asleep as noise levels can be bothersome.I use the foam type made by E.A.R. that are uniformly cylindrical. Very ... 
Servicing Vintage Equipment
I'm involved in a transaction with Bob right now & will let you know the outcome when it's over. 
Speaker recs. Please read all and reply. b&W, Vand
It's OK to solicit advise but like you've already discovered there is a difference & let your ears decide. (or at least be in the majority)As for music damaging speakers, only if you clip. The speakers were made to reproduce a signal & don... 
blocked recipient/eBAY long
You answered your question really-since you no longer feel comfortable then by all means follow your instincts. As for staying with ebay, that's a personal choice. I've been a member for 3 years & transactions run the gamut. Here on A-gon ever... 
508.24 Power Cable Suggestions?
I made a DIY PC using Chris V's recipe #3 but used Furutech gold plated ends as they have superior gripping ability. I picked the Furutech because the Meridian only has two prongs to connect with. I have the 506.24 but guessing the 508.24 has simi... 
What's most important to WAF-size, shape, finish?
Bottom line on WAF-If she accepts you she'll accept your speakers. To answer your questions in order: Size, color, shape, sound quality. (texture & finish are n/a to the SO, IMO}Actual experience: We have a small living room (11.5 x 23 x 8) wh... 
CD player with best dynamics?
At this moment I have an ARC CD3 taking the place of my Meridian 506.24 for an extended audition & suggest you give it a listen. Unbelievable music coming from this unit. With the extra 2k you were planning on spending you could buy a few CD's. 
Probably the original Beatles albums I bought in 1965. I'd also like to have the Shahinian box speakers for my second system I sold 13 years ago & my old 1969 FLH. 
Do power cords really matter?
The best response to this I ever heard was it's not the last 6' that matter, rather it's the FIRST 6' that make such a big difference. 
Mail Service Canada from US, "Who Shot the Eagle"
Well said Lugnut! I'm employed indirectly by the USPS in that I work for a contract carrier who, by definition, has a contract with the USPS. When I applied for the job I completed both the USPS application & the contractors, so in essence I d... 
UsedMeadowlark "Heron" i vs Von Schweikert VR-4G3?
I have a set of the VR's & I use the fill tweeter to "tune" the high freq. I really dislike any brightness & have the fill tweets turned down to about 1/4. A great addition IMO as you can make subtle adjustments. My room is similar in size...