

Responses from driver

What do You listen to?
Sean, just for grins I'll check that stuff out.On a side note, I did an in depth report of the Salem Witch Trials (forget the class) and my analysis of the events pointed to contamination of the crops with ergot which caused the hallucinations. 
What do You listen to?
I first heard POD on a Christian Radio station & unfortunately, that station has changed it's format. When I auditioned my VR4 Gen III's, I took along a selection of female singers, two which happened to be Christian singers. When I mentioned ... 
Electrical problem associated with all of my amps
If I was having those problems with a 200 amp service I'd call a qualified electrician to troubleshoot & fix it. 
how does paypal work
Please do a search of the forums on this topic for further elaboration. try this link 
How important is powercord synergy?
If you can hear the difference, then it's important. I've tried about 20 or so PC's and some made a big difference, some didn't. System matching/synergy has to go hand in hand with what you want to hear.Also, a cheap power strip/surge protector ma... 
plinius pre with ayre amps?
Bud, I'm running the V-5x with a Pass Aleph P using Luminous Audio Synchestra Sigs w/XLR's to take advantage of the balanced circuitry. When I was searching for the Ayre I had to buy a V-5 & have it upgraded to x status, which isn't a bad thin... 
How do these Meridians compare to each other?
I had a 506.24 & currently use a 508.20. The 508 models have balanced outs if that's a consideration and I picked the 508.20 over the .24 because of the transport. It uses the 12.4 as opposed to the 12.5 and is a bit smoother both mechanically... 
Any recommandation for the Von Schweikert VR-4 SE
Luminous Audio Renaissance in a true bi-wire set-up. Check out the review I wrote on the VR4 Gen III's last Sept. 
Special power cord for the pass aleph amp ?
The IEC receptacle on the Aleph should be standard & fit any aftermarket PC. I had an Aleph 5 & didn't notice anything unusual about it (tried several PC's) & still have an Aleph P & am currently using the ChrisV Flavor 2 PC on it.... 
Ive got me the Digital Nasties
I'll chime in with my story too. First I had my CDP modified w/Blackgates & Schottkys & after many PC's settled on a TG Audio 688. Also using Luminous Audio Synchestra Sigs (XLR) and Herbie's footers. Sounds excellent to me & anybody e... 
Considering full upgrade over next year
Well, since you have a whole year to consider the options & a list of potential candidates, just start auditioning & taking notes. What I have is great for me but might not work for you & that goes for anybody else. I would also recomm... 
Where can I get quality cassettes.
I bought some sealed DCC cassettes off ebay to record over. I haven't had a chance to check them out yet but for the price how can you go wrong? There's also the chance you might find 1 or 2 you like. Here's the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayIS... 
Shotgun Biwire-Definition please
I can see there's a difference of opinion as to what's what & it all depends on who you learned it from.My take on bi-wire is this:Single bi-wire: Two terminations at the amp & four at the speaker per side. Two separate cables needed for a... 
Review: Von Schweikert Audio VR4 Gen III Speaker
Hi Terry & thanks for the suggestions.At this time, moving the speakers away from the walls will not be possible. The only thing I can do to remedy that is buy a new house!As for the vibrapods, I used a similar tweak. I bought a set of Herbie'... 
$10 / foot speaker wire
I have some Luminous Audio Renaissance speaker cable in a true bi-wire set-up & for the price it's hard to beat. Instead of going into details, I'll just list my review> http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/cables/messages/44584.html >if you...