

Responses from driver

New Yes Remasters?
What do you think is the difference between the Joe Gastwirt remasters & Rhino? 
How would you rate ???
It was a long road down cable alley searching for the perfect companion. She just kept beckoning to me like a seductive temptress with the promise of everlasting harmony. I've been led down the path so many times I was dizzy yet still, whenever th... 
I adore my Shahinian loudspeakers
I've mentioned this before but I heard some Obelisk's in the early 80's at someone's house & the next day went to my dealer & ordered a pair of the box speakers (that's what they were called), as I couldn't afford the Obelisk's. I had them... 
Pass Aleph P vs L preamp ?
I have a non-remote 'P' that was abused, so I had it completely refurbished several years ago by Pass. In the course of the redo, the transformer was upgraded to 60 watts (instead of 30) and the power supply rebuilt. I'm using it with an Ayre V-5x... 
Reverse biwire speaker cables?
I'd like to add more. If you use both amp outputs there's a possibility that there will be a problem, such as a resistive load when both sets of terminals are used which may or may not cause a problem with the amp & again may or may not cause ... 
Reverse biwire speaker cables?
Just use the cables from the amp as intended & tape off the extra terminations at the speaker end, to avoid causing a short. You can either use a jumper or another set of cables from the amp. 
The Front End is Done. Upgrade Speaker Ideas
check these out: VR4 Gen III's or SE's 
What is your cost for each system category ?
Don't base your components solely on cost. Pick the gear based on how it sounds to you and not by the price tag. The pricing guidelines should be just that & use them as an aide, as not to go over you total system budget. 
Feel vs. Think - take an objective look...
After reading this thread & the responses, I reread the review I just wrote on Luminous Audio Synchestra Silver Refs just four threads below this one. Didn't even think about the "think vs. feel" conundrum, rather wrote more what I heard &... 
Silver interconnects & copper speaker cable O.K. ?
It makes a difference if you can hear it but as for compatibility issues, as long as it works it's not an issue.You're just going to have to experiment with what sounds best for you. 
Anyone using NITES on their CD player??
What kind of CDP are you using? Instead of buying a PC just for the sake of it's reviews, get the CDP in your system & get used to the sound first & then decide what direction you want to go with PC changes.I would also recommend AC upgrad... 
What would it take to balance a stereo power amp ?
Since the balancing question has been addressed, let me mention some other possibilities that might cause hum & noise.Having had experience running sound I'd like to throw a few suggestions out. You may already know this but here goes anyway.M... 
Does your gear need periodic CHECK UPS?
I would also think the "check-up" was a sales tactic but not necessarily a bad one. It's much better that the seller went through the trouble of having a problem taken care of before selling the unit & letting potential buyers know this than j... 
Any jumper suggestions for a VSA VR-4?
1markr, I'm using Soler Points from Ed Soler out of Peoria, IL. His A-gon name is Esoler & if you do a search he'll be easy to find. Very well made product & looks great. 
Any jumper suggestions for a VSA VR-4?
I have the VR4 Gen III's & use Luminous Audio Renaissance in a true bi-wire configuration but if I didn't want to go bi-wire, I would have just had a 3' jumper made.Whichever speaker cable you go with, just have them make you a 3' jumper.I wou...