
Responses from dopogue

VPI TNT record clamp
I had the BDR clamp on my early model TNT, thought it was fine, then tried a Ringmat and was amazed at the (to me) improvement in clarity, focus, and dynamics, with no downside I could detect. I eventually upgraded to the graphite Boston Audio Mat... 
Anthony Gallo Ref 3 - Bass Solutions with Tube Amp
Audiosource, for one. I also have Parasound and Fosgate/Audionics SS amps with volume control, but they're far from current models. Others may differ, but I don't think you need the ultimate quality SS amp for this application -- my Fosgate/Audion... 
Personal speaker evolution
Just realized I should update my original post -- WAY up there on this thread -- since I bought a pair of Gallo Reference 3s about 6 weeks ago. Truly wonderful speakers which I will love until ... the next time. 
Anthony Gallo Ref 3 - Bass Solutions with Tube Amp
Agree, you do need volume control for the bass. It's on my Hsu crossover. 
What do you do when nothing seems to get LP clean?
Detergent and tap water? Please.I was one of the beta testers for Paul Frumkin's record cleaning fluids. Listen to what Jphii says. This stuff REALLY works. 
Anthony Gallo Ref 3 - Bass Solutions with Tube Amp
I have experimented using a hundred-watt SS stereo power amp, run off my preamp's second set of ouputs, through an HSU electronic crossover set at 43 Hz, into the Ref 3s' second voice coils. It works perfectly with my main amps, 12 wpc SET monoblo... 
Record Cleaning Machines
I'd like to confirm Listener57's view of Paul Frumkin's AIVS record-cleaning products. My LPs have never sounded as good or looked as shiny. Really amazing stuff. 
Results from Beta Testers of New Formulas
Paul, when are you going to have a website for these products? I've been impressing the heck out of friends by doing before-and-after comparos. Dave 
What's Wrong With My Cartridge/Setup?
Brian, now you're getting somewhere. Yes, the stylus needs to be replaced. That's not an option (check Jack's Music Factory for the lowest price if you can't get satisfaction from your seller). And that phono stage has received less than stellar r... 
What's Wrong With My Cartridge/Setup?
The only suggestion I can make is to recheck the wiring from the four cartridge pins to be sure it's correct. Also be sure the stylus is fully seated into the cartridge. A Shure V15VxMR simply doesn't sound like this. Something is seriously wrong ... 
Gallo reference /TAS vs Me
Kalan, just a thought. Have you tried the speakers pointing straight -- no toe-in? In my room, they sound best that way. They're exactly 8' feet apart, with the woofers facing inward (after a solid day of placement experimentation). Dave 
MM cart. Recommendation
Stuart, the ability to define and describe "high compliance" is beyond my meager technical know-how. I'd suggest a search on Audio Asylum for this and "low mass," another descriptor pertinent to your arm (and the cart best suited to it). Incidenta... 
Gallo reference /TAS vs Me
Kalan, sounds like either a room problem or a defective pair of Ref 3s. Did your former speakers exhibit a similar upper-mid prominence? Re your last question, my Ref 3s love tubes; yours should sound great too -- can't understand why they don't. ... 
MM cart. Recommendation
I'd suggest a Shure V15VxMR, a Stanton 881S or, if you can find one on Ebay or elsewhere, one of the ADC XLM family. With that arm, you'd need a high compliance cartridge and these all fit the bill. I'm currently using an ADC XLM Mk. II ($48 on Eb... 
Results from Beta Testers of New Formulas
My order arrived just as I was running out of the samples. Many thanks, Paul. Much cleaning (and better sound) ahead.