
Responses from dopogue

About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
May I add my very best wishes. And thank you, Paul.Dave Pogue 
Using the VPI SDS with non-VPI turntables
Not clear to me what you're asking, but the Lenco is indeed an idler drive turntable. 
Using the VPI SDS with non-VPI turntables
Okay, I just took the plunge and plugged the Lenco into the SDS. After listening to tracks from about 6 LPs, all I can say is that I wish I had tried this about 6 months ago. I've used the SDS for a couple of years with the VPI TNT, but I'm afraid... 
Using the VPI SDS with non-VPI turntables
Thanks, Rushton. I also found out that it's an AC Induction motor. I'll mate them up tomorrow and see (hear) what happens. Dave 
best threads out there?
First and foremost, IMHO, "Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot (sic)". Over 1300 posts and still going strong, because it has an incredible wealth of good info. Check it out in "Analog." Dave 
Record Cleaner
I've never tried anything that works as well as Paul Frumkin's AIVS products. See the link in Flemke's first post above. Terrific stuff. Dave 
I'm Very SCARED - Please advise, Cartridge Drop
It's probably fine. Play it and see. 
Most powerful fluid for record cleaning machine ?
No film or residue here, so something is obviously wrong. Wonder what it is. 
Most powerful fluid for record cleaning machine ?
Krusty2K, I was using your exact formula for years and thought my records were as clean and good-sounding as they could get. That was until I tried AIVS. 
Most powerful fluid for record cleaning machine ?
Another satisfied AIVS user. To find it, search on the Audiogon home page by "Audio Intelligent." Dave 
Dahlquist DQ-20 Fan club Rant
You need to listen to the Gallo Reference 3s. 
Gallo Reference III Owner's: Quick Question
I envy you the amp (I have the speakers) but think you'll have to try the two approaches and see what sounds better. I would guess that using interconnects (to the SA amp) would sound better, but it's JUST a guess. Good luck, DaveBTW, I used HSU s... 
Have anyone seen these speakers? Or system?
Click on the Menu above the photo to see even more. 
RRL Cleaner, Vinyl Zyme, and Groove Glide
Just another rave for AIVS which, IME, leaves absolutely nothing on the stylus that I can detect. I've now done about 75 records with the stuff using a manual Record Doctor (Nitty Gritty) RCM, and find it really amazing. Caveat: I've never tried R... 
Large sweetspot
Gallo Reference 3. They disappear totally and despite their relatively small size will carry a large room (mine is 18 x 40) beautifully. You can drive them with pracically anything -- I'm using 12 wpc SET monoblocks. Hard to beat at $2600/pr.