
Responses from dopogue

Tube pre-amps: what defines "better"
I've been using Conrad Johnson tube preamps since the mid-l980s -- first the Premier 3 and now the Premier 14 -- and when I upgrade it will be to another CJ. Good luck, Dave 
Who has made their own LP cleaning solution?
Can't add much to Lugnut's views except an endorsement, particularly of the AIVS fluids. Harry Weisfeld (VPI) posted his own home-brew recipe some time ago on Audio Asylum: Take gallon container, add 16 oz. of Isopropyl alcohol, fill it with disti... 
Subwoofer "Thumping"
My guess is that you need a way to remove the lowest frequencies (below approx. 15 Hz), as is done automaticaly by my HSU Research Electronic Crossover. There is a lot of low frequency garbage on some vinyl that an unfiltered sub will reproduce in... 
gallo ref3 with the golden ear awards?
Bostonaudi and Audio_girl, I seriously question whether the Ref 3s you heard were broken in. I almost gave up on mine for sounding so grim until the first 100 hours was up. Also, I've head that more than one audio store is wiring them wrong, using... 
VR-4jr or Gallo Nucleus Reference 3
Despite all the accolades for the Gallos, they tend to get a bum rap because (1) they're small, (2) they're comparatively inexpensive and (3) hardly anyone hears them the first time fully broken in. Mine are now 6 months old and I think the break-... 
MG-1 Air Bearing Tonearm? Anyone experience it?
Definitely intriguing. Note that the tonearm has holes rather than slots, seemingly limiting the amount of adjustment possible. Dave 
What about a product can irritate you?
Phono cartridge pins and connectors. Are they ever going to standardize the size? And the fact that some tonearms only allow the use of bolts and nuts and some carts are self-threaded. Mounting cartridges is traumatic enough without this nonsense ... 
Amp for Proac Response 2.5
If the 2.5 is anything like the Response 2 and Response 3 pairs that I owned, that 40-watt tube amp should work fabulously well (although I've never heard a Ming Da). Good luck, Dave 
"It doesn't impress you at first..."
I once bought a pair of speakers that hooked me on how fabulous they sounded with one particular record. Turned out that was the only record they sounded good with. After a week of trying, I threw myself on the mercy of the dealer and he took them... 
Big Sound = Big Speakers = Big Problems?
In my experience (and only that), big speakers don't necessarily mean big sound. Some years ago I went from large Magnepan MG 3s to small ProAc Response 2s. I thought the ProAcs sounded better and certainly no "smaller." Last September I went from... 
Why not more on 845 SETs?
Twl, you seem to be writing off the use of SET amps with "conventional" speakers and I think this is needlessly restrictive. This is, or was, certainly the conventional wisdom and helped keep me from enjoying SETs for a long time. Then I discovere... 
Why not more on 845 SETs?
Springbok, I got mine via the website but haven't been there lately. Don't think they have any distributors. Sorry I can't help. 
Why not more on 845 SETs?
Whoa there. Some of us like the sound of 845 SETs better than the 300Bs. In my case in a three-way comparison in my system between the CJ 12s, a modern SET 300B stereo amp, and the 845 SETs, the 845 was the clear SONIC winner. I know, YMMV and all... 
Why not more on 845 SETs?
Beats me. I have a pair of 845 SET monoblocks, designed and built by a friend, that will drive my Gallo Reference 3s to really stentorian volume levels. They replaced 140 wpc Conrad Johnson Premier 12s in my system because they simply blew away th... 
Is there high output MC that can compete/beat ...
All I can tell you is that the 10X5 plays louder at the same volume level on my preamp than the Shure V15VxMR and ADC XLM Mk. II that I use on another turntable. Yet these other carts supposedly have a higher output than the Dyna. You'll have plen...