
Responses from dopogue

Results from Beta Testers of New Formulas
Hi, Paul. Just received it, and realized that all my records (anything I care to listen to, at least) are pretty darn clean already. Need to hit a used record store to pick up some candidates, I'll report back. Thanks, Dave 
Results from Beta Testers of New Formulas
Haven't received my sample of the cleaning fluid yet. Hope I'm still on the list to get some. Best, Dave Pogue 
Record cleaning machine advise, want to buy,"HELP"
Someone needs to stick up for the Nitty Gritty concept. Sucking the used fluid DOWN seems to me inherently better than sucking it UP (who wants to be a suck-up anyway?). I much prefer the manual Nitty Gritty to any of the automatic machines -- giv... 
More Sources than Inputs
I have a couple of the Entech/Monster Cable switchers mentioned by Jameswei above with manuals and orig. boxes for $40 each plus shipping if anyone's interested. Original MSRP was over $300. They're fine for use with secondary sources and can be r... 
I'd like to buy a cd recorder . Please help.
Goodsie, I gather your CD-RW700 hasn't yet made the round trip to Montebello as mine has, and my friend's. Great machine all right, except when it stops working.The other Tascam I mention above (with integral cassette deck)is the CS222, costs $600... 
I'd like to buy a cd recorder . Please help.
TASCAM makes a dual-well machine that includes a cassette deck and a CD recorder. A friend has one of these and it does a perfect job of transferring cassettes to CD as well as recording from vinyl and has a direct digital link for duplicating CDs... 
phono cable suggestions..
Forgot the most important part. At Starlink these are identified as COMPONENT VIDEO CABLES, which means, among other things, that each set includes 3 cables rather than 2. The last time I looked, the 6-footers were $8.95 and the 12-footers were $1... 
phono cable suggestions..
I'll strongly second the Music Boys, although they're no longer identified by this name at Starlink. The 6-footers are identified as being from Petra Industries, the 12-footers still may carry the Music Boy ID. These are fabulous cables and not ju... 
Personal turntable/cartridge evolution
I knew I forgot a couple. Before buying the TNT (used), I had a wonderful VPI HW-19, Mk III with an excellent ET-2 arm. The later TNT also came with an ET-2, but this one was a disaster (traced, too late, to a faulty pump and surge tank).And earli... 
Personal turntable/cartridge evolution
I've rarely had fewer than 2 turntables (currently 4) at any given time, so there's a great deal of overlap and much of the timetable is lost in the mists of five decades, but here goes:* Silvertone 78 player with steel needles and thorns (circa l... 
Review: Toshiba SD 3960 CD Player
I had both the 3950 and 3960. Sold the latter, since the 3950 is a little more substantial (metal chassis instead of plastic) and the display is a little more informative. My mods to the 3950 have been very modest -- damping sheets and strips appl... 
Home Depot Power Cord?
I understand that bigger wire is "considered desirable" by some. I have simply found in my own system that this is not the case. I haven't tried the Belden but did try other "generic" wire and found the HD-14 to sound better to me. At less than 20... 
Home Depot Power Cord?
Vvrinc, I'm glad you like them. I've had mine in the system for months now and like them better all the time. No, I haven't experimented with other than the 14 gauge HD cables (I've already got a closet full of cables and really don't need any mor... 
Home Depot Power Cord?
I've made half a dozen detachable power cords from the 14-gauge Home Depot extension cord (so-called "HD-14") first praised in The Absolute Sound several months ago. I don't know why anyone would choose a lower gauge. I like the HD-14s better than... 
What's wrong with my VPI motor?
Just a thought, but the motor shaft itself needs occasional lubrication. Just talked to Mike at VPI about this, re my older model TNT, and he recommended using 40 weight oil VERY SPARINGLY, via one of those needle-applicators, beng sure you don't ...